Back in town 😏

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"wanna come Parker?" I say
"Sure" he replies
We all run to the nearest car and drive to the Salvatore house
As Damon knocks on the door
We are welcomed by Elena
Elena runs to hug him
"UR BACKK" she screams of joy
"Wait who is this?" She questions
"Long Story have you seen Stefan" I reply
"Yes he is in his room" Elena reply's
I tell Kai to stay downstairs as I run up the stairs I hear someone else in the room
"That was amazing" I hear a familiar voice say
I swing the door open
I'm in shock
I see Caroline and Stefan in bed together
"Y/N your back" Caroline says
"Y/N I can explain" Stefan says
I run down stairs tears running down my face
The love of my life just cheated on me
Kai runs to me
"Are you ok Y/N, what happened" he says with a worried look on his face
Caroline half dressed and Stefan in a robe come running downstairs everyone comes rushing in the hallway
"He cheated on me" I say to Kai
Everyone looks shocked
"STEFAN" Damon screams
"What the f*ck do you think your doing" he says angrily
I run outside trying to catch my breathe trying to figure out the the hell just happened
Caroline was one of my best-friends
Stefan was my boyfriend
How could they do this to me
Kai comes rushing out and hugs me
I hug him back
"I think I'm going to stay at whitmore for a few days" I say
"To clear my mind"
"Can I stay with you?" Kai questioned
"Nobody else really knows me like you do"
"Of course Kai"
I tell bonnie,Elena and Damon
I go upstairs and grab some of my clothes from stefans room.
Stefan enters the bedroom
"Where are you going?" He questions
"As far as I can from you" I reply
"Can I talk to you Y/N" he says
"No you cannot" I reply
"I have been thinking about you non stop since I've been in that prison world I really missed you that much that I slept in your bedroom everyday in the prison world for several month's
I felt alone I didn't know what to do I felt that alone that me and your brother is actually talking for once I made a friend in that prison world to so if you don't mind I'm grabbing me some clothes and staying at whitmore with him"
Stefan looks at you with a sorry face
I feel terrible
I look at Stefan and walk away but then he grabs me by my arm and kisses me I kiss back even though I shouldn't I mean he just cheated on me
I pull away
Then I walk downstairs like nothing happened
Me and Kai arrived at whitmore
Stefan was non stop calling me and texting me
He left 200 voicemails saying sorry and how he messed up big time
I ignored him
Kai held my bags
I opened my dorm and got in the shower whilst Kai was playing on his new phone I got him
I get out of the shower
"Kai can you turn around please" I say
"Okay" he replies
You quickly get changed and notice Kai was looking at you the whole time.
You get in the bed with Kai
"You do realise I saw you looking at me the whole time" you says
"I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself" he winks
You couldn't help yourself either anymore he was too hot you crash your lips onto his he kisses back
You both have been kissing for minutes and you start to take your clothes off
He unbuckle his belt and takes his trousers off
You both finish and you fall asleep on his chest and he plays with your hair until he falls asleep.

Heyyy this is the writer ik everything is going quite fast but idk I like it that way
Should Y/N get back with Stefan
Or should Y/N get with Kai?
Let me know your opinions anyway have a great day

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