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It was Kai,Damon,Stefan and Elena
You run to elena and hug her
"Are you ok" you say with a worried face
"Yes thanks to you"
You then Run to Kai and hug him he kisses you on the cheek
You say your goodbyes but before you could leave the door you scream in pain
Then a bush of water falls on the floor
Damon drives to the hospital as fast as he could
Elena and Damon in the front
Stefan you and Kai and Caroline in the back
Caroline calls bonnie telling her to come home
Stefan and Kai try to calm you down
"Breathe in and breath out" Kai says
"What I'd I don't make it" you say to Kai
"You will your the strongest women I know"
You arrive at the hospital
As soon as you enter the nurse puts you in a wheelchair
She gives you the gas and air to help the contractions
They lay you on the bed
You are 9 centimetres
"The baby is nearly here" the nurse says
"Your going to have to start pushing now"
Stefan is out of the room
Kai goes out he can't bare to see you in pain
You push
Stefan enters holding your hand
"I need Kai where is he"
" he will be here in a min"
"I NEEED HIM NOW" you scream
Kai enters the room
And stefan leaves
He holds your hand
And try's to calm you down
You push once more
all you can hear is cries of a baby
"I did it"
" you did"Kai kisses you
You are out of breathe
"Do you want to hold her" the nurse asks Kai
"Yes please"
"She is so adorable"
He looks at her
"I can definitely see her mom and a bit of me"
"I love her already"
Kai gives her to you
"I think I want to call her Pearl " you say
"I love that name" Kai smiles
"I love you"
"I love you too"
A few hours later
Stefan comes in
"Omg can I hold her"
"She looks so much like you" he says holing her little hands
"Do you know the father yet"
"No but I'm going to do the test today"
"Well even if it's not mine I'll still be here for you and Pearl"
Stefan says with a smile
A few weeks later
It had came.
The day you have been dreading.
The DNA results had came in
Pearl is now 5 weeks old
She is getting so big
She loves Kai so much
And I love him too.
I just don't want to break his or stefans heart

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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