Chapter 34- We meet at last

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CHAPTER 34 – We meet at last

One after the other, each of Simon's men came and fell in formation behind him. Then came Teba and Sylmoor. Everyone was eager to let out a long, overdue breath of relief. The war was finally over.

Simon spoke first before anyone could get any word in edgewise. "Well, your castle awaits, but I don't recommend venturing to the depths of its halls and chambers just yet, your highness. At least, not after my men have taken a thorough accounting of what has taken place here today.

"There may be some straggling villains lurking in its shadows that we have yet to discover. Soon, you will be home, and things will be as you remember them, your Majesty. I give you my word. My men do good work, and we will have the entire area cleared of all threats within the hour. Which reminds me—"

Zelda cut him off, eyes wide and worried. She nearly forgot. "Oh no!" The castle was the least of her concerns.

Everyone stood startled by her sudden change of disposition and fell to a hush. Her face went pale as if all the joy in the world was sapped from her very being.

Link staggered near her, still sore from his wounds. "What is it? Are you alright?"

"Yes..." she said solemnly. Her lips begun to quiver. A grave chill swept across her face and she paused, taking in a long breath before twirling to face him. "I'm fine... but what about Riju? This entire time she has been lying in torment. What if!?" What if since we've taken so long and this... wizard hasn't come yet, what if!?"

"She's alive! I promise you..." Link said, hands easing over her shoulders for a soothing calm.

"But, what if?" Zelda's eyes glistened with tears, on the verge of breaking down.

"She's strong, Zelda... just like you! And besides, the doctor said she had at least one more day in the bag. And if I know Riju, she has at least three more! She's a fighter." Link said confidently squeezing a fist up to his face for Riju's sake. "That doctor has no idea who he's dealing with! We mustn't lose hope. You least of all..."

Zelda wiped her cheeks, nodded her head, and addressed everyone else. "You're right... we must keep the faith. I will do my part and not lose heart. In the meantime, I would like to go to her now. It's where I belong. She needs me now more than ever. If that is alright with all of you? The rest of you may carry out the business that remains to be done here." She finished looking at Simon.

Link spoke. "I'll go with them; who knows what fiend may come their way if I—"

Zelda cut him off, this time thoroughly agitated by his carefree nature and his incessant need to champion every battle. "You will do no such thing! Isn't it enough already that you slew the beast? Let the others go. You have nothing to prove by getting yourself killed when an entire host of men here could carry out such orders."

"It's my sworn duty—"

"Sworn nothing! You have sworn to me, and I command that you fall back with me to the safety of camp. And for you, it's straight to the infirmary ward!" Zelda stomped. Her eyes burned with a worry that Link had only ever seen once before. That dreadful starless night. So long ago in the pouring rain, on the burning fields of Blatchery. And he hated to see such sadness in those eyes of hers. Because they were the tears he couldn't wipe away from her.

She continued. "And I have picked out just the bed for you. Right beside Riju. And...I don't want you getting up until she does. You will need all the rest and healing you can get. Am I clear?"

"Yeah, but... the others, what if, what if this witch—"

"No buts and no witch! Isn't that what you said? We aren't even sure there even is such a thing! For all you know, Malroc deceived you. Maybe he was just trying to crush your fighting spirit and get into your head. Have you considered that mister 'everyone needs my help, hero'?"

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