Chapter Twenty Three

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(NOTE: I made a mistake in chapter eighteen. i had previously put that the journey would take five days to one week but then they arrived two days later. i have fixed this in chapter eighteen where it now says: (We had travelled for five days now. We only stopped twice each day. On the fifth day of riding we were forced to stop once when the horses nearly collapsed from exhaustion...) all the rest is the same. They took six days to get to castle McDowell after the battle in the field) read on...)


"Ye and yer wife can stay in this room McCall" Clyde McDowell led us through the large doors from which he had emerged and up a spiralling staircase till it led to a thick wooden door with an iron handle prodding out.

"Thank ye Clyde." Finn said before opening the door and walking through. I went to follow straight after him but Clyde stepped suddenly in front of me, charging behind Finn, as if I wasn't there, "It was my sister's old room until she left to marry Ramsey's second son. It's the third largest in the castle but in my opinion the most comfortable. No one has been in here since she left."

"I appreciate yer hospitality Clyde." Finn replied, slapping the Laird on the side of his shoulder with a smile.

I stepped into the room, my presence finally becoming known to Laird Clyde McDowell. "Lass, there are some of my sisters old dresses in the wardrobe ye can have if ye want," he said looking me up and down, "ye are skinnier and smaller than her but they should fit."

I shuddered under Clyde's gaze and shuffled backwards, hoping he didn't notice. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my skirt subconsciously a nervous sweat forming on my brow.

Clyde spoke to Finn yet his eyes stayed glued to my body, "I must say Finn, yer lass is very bonnie." Clyde strode towards me, like a snake slithering towards its prey. I stay stuck in place, fearful at what Clyde would do. Something about the way he held himself, tall and intimidating, set off warning signs in my head.

"Thank ye Clyde" Finn replied hesitantly, cautious of Clyde's predator-like movements.

The Laird circled me; his hand darting out to run his fingers around my waist as he circled me like a lion would circle a wounded buck. My skin shivered unpleasantly beneath his touch as he dragged his fingers further up my body I pulled away before he could reach up further and grab something.

Clyde sniggered, "She's so innocent. Pure. Ye married her yet?"

"Not yet. But I plan to soon." Finn said through partially gritted teeth. I noticed how he clenched his fists and the veins starting to pop on the side of his neck. Yet he didn't strike out or say anything to Clyde no matter how he almost inappropriately touched me. That annoyed me a little but from what Finn told me about Clyde, they had grown up together where as he had only know me for less than two weeks.

However, when Finn held his hand out to me it took it with a thankful smile, enveloping myself into his arms, resting my head on his chest, my eyes trained on Clyde as he looked over at us.

Finn's arms were wrapped protectively around my waist, holding me tightly to his chest when Clyde spoke, "well, I wish ye the best in yer marriage." With one more terrifyingly bright smile Clyde walked over to the door, "I don't have any inhibition that ye two don't sleep in the same bed, even without the wedding ring. So goodnight."

The door closed with a small band but I waited several seconds, ears trained to see if he still lingered on the other side. When I heard footsteps move away I said, "Something about him creeps me out."

"That's because ye haven't known him as long as me. He's a good guy apart from the grabby hands." Finn said as he walked over to the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. I turned away, cheeks flushed, "Most men have grabby hands."

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