Chapter Seven

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Leaning forwards, surprising myself and Finn, I gently crashed our lips together. At first my response was slow, but after Finn started to move his mouth against mine something jerked my body awake and I moved my lips against his in a new, hungry pace.

I felt Finn place a hand on the back of my head, over the top of the plait he made. He pressed his hand on my head, hard, before slipping it under to my neck. His other hand jerked forward and seized my hip, forcefully bringing my body closer no his.

We were on our knees now, my hands resting on his strong, hard biceps. His hands had travelled down to my waist and were slowly travelling beneath the tartan cloak and over my chemise.

My mouth opened to let out a small gasp as his thumb brushed the underside of my breast. Finn seized this opportunity and darted his tongue into my mouth, entwining mine with his, causing us both to release moans of pleasure.

Finn's hand travelled downwards, away from my breast and towards somewhere more intimate. His hand caught the rumpled edge of my chemise and he started to pull it up my legs slowly.

My mind raced and I questioned my motives. What was I doing? My mind should be on returning home, getting to safety not having wild highland warrior sex in a cave. Finn was taking me somewhere safe, away from the war he was currently a part of, and to a place where I could find a way to return home to Macy and Harry fondling each other and making out inappropriately in public and Mark. Oh! Sweet Mark what I would do to have him fall magically in love with me again and ride to my safety like a knight in shining armour on top of a time travelling horse.

But I already had a knight in shining armour, or at least a knight wrapped in a tartan cloak with a heavy sword strapped to his side.


But did I want him? Did I want to go further than this very intimate encounter right now?

Could I stay here instead of go home?

Shut up Rose, if that's even my name! I've been here what? A week? It feels like it's been so long. I barely know my own name let alone which century I want to live in and who with.

I pushed Finn of me, whose hand was currently too high up my leg, travelling under my chemise, and mere inches from the juncture between my legs. I pushed his hand away, turning my head down, causing our lips to separate.

My breathing was ragged and fast, as was his. Finn tried to take my hand in his but I drew it away to my side. His other hand was still on the crook of my neck. I removed it. Finn's face dropped.

"Rose..." he whispered, placing a gentle hand softly on my cheek. I tried to pull it away, fixating my gaze to the ground, but Finn kept it in place, refusing to let go.

"Finn...I can't...I'm...I'm seventeen. I'm a-" my voice lowered, "a virgin."

Finn stroked my cheek gently, I glanced up at him.

"I don't care about that," he said softly, "however I am surprised that at yer age ye aren't married yet, haven't bore a child."

"That's because I'm not from here, not from now. Where I am from, in the future, many women don't marry till their twenties or even thirties. And then don't have children until maybe a few years later. And most don't marry a man twice their age."

Finn looked puzzled and confused at my response.

"Yer are truly from the future lass?" Finn asked, his hands gently holding mine. In response I looked him dead in the eyes, and nodded.

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