Chapter Thirty One

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I didn't know what woke me. I could have been the sweet sunlight filtering through the thin tent walls or the brawl that was taking place just outside.

I woke with a groan, the pain of death and punches hitting me hard like I had crashed into a concrete wall. My hands were too tired to jerk up to my face and feel the bruise I knew had formed on my cheek. Looking over at Finn's sleeping form it seemed wrong to believe he had hit me. But I had forgiven him and the past was in the past (as was I). A soft smile formed on my face.

I ran my finger tips over his face; gently over his eyelids, careful not to wake him yet. Then over his strong nose and surrounding cheekbones. And last his lips before replacing my fingers with my mouth, placing the most lightest of kisses upon them, my hand caressing his face tenderly.

I went to pull away but Finn's hands had found themselves wound in my hair and he pressed my face, and lips, closer to his as he deepened the kiss, entwining our tongues and bodies. Pushing me on my back, Finn over powered me and hovered above me, running his fingers over my face.

"Does it hurt?" He mumbled as he dipped his head closer to mine and placed a single kiss on top of the blackening bruise. It was so light that I thought he had only hovered above me, our two bodies not touching.

"Only a little." I replied. I had wanted to say no, to spare him the hurt of knowing he caused me pain and tell him I felt nothing but I knew he wouldn't want to be lied to.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

"I know," I replied, a soft smile playing on my lips as I looked up at him, "You are forgiven."

"Can I ask ye a question?" Finn said and I nodded for him to continue, "what are relationships like where you come from?"

It was a packed question and I hesitated for a moment trying to think how to get a full wikipedia page of information into something smaller and easier to understand. "Well, most people have many relationships before they get married, starting young, and they often sleep with most of them too but there are laws saying you can't have sex under the age of sixteen."

"There are laws restricting sex?" Finn asked, his brows rising.

"Yes, not that people follow them. I know many people who had sex under age. My friend lost her virginity on her fifteenth birthday."

"But ye were not one of them." Finn stated, a smirk on his face.

"No, I wasn't."

"What else can ye tell me?"

"Well when we get married and it doesn't work we get divorced, I know that that's probably something that never happens here, but the wife and husband split up and in most cases split their property and money in half."

"Here ye would get naething if we were to separate," Finn said, "good thing I'm not letting ye go. Again." He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "do ye miss yer home?"

"I wont lie," I replied, "I do, but I'll get over it soon, make my new home here. I wont ever forget it but I'll lose the longing to be there." Finn smiled in contempt at my answer and pressed a kiss to my lips. Just as we were deepening the kiss a large shout came from outside the tent and the commotion Finn and I were able to avoid until now.

Pulling apart, Finn was the first to leave before I followed swiftly, my green dress crumpled and sagging from sleep and wear and tear. Pulling the tents opening aside swiftly, I exited the tent to find my name being thrown about like a football in a match to the death.

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