Chapter Nine

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The audacity of him to think I would just be his little playmate till I got home was beyond words. It's been four days and for most of the time I've wanted to slap his stupid face and kick him in the groin.

Most of the time.

There were a few times when I glanced back at him, over Graham's large shoulders, that I've seen him with a look of regret and sorrow on his face. For a moment my heart would melt at the sight before I slapped myself silly (mentally) and pulled on my steely façade.

For the past three nights I've slept in Graham's tent, leaving him to fend for himself against the weather or seek shelter in another person's tent. I felt sorry for him, knowing my personal issues where affecting him negatively and he didn't deserve that.

He was like big brother to me, a big brother I never had but always wanted. He always left me with a smile, as if giving up his tent was no bother. He even gave me all the furs and others until I forced him to use some for himself and the others. Most of the other warriors were generous while a few stayed away, not wanting to mix with a girl who suddenly joined their band of fierce fighters.

I didn't blame them.

I was quite hesitant about being around them. I mean, last week I was hanging out in the shopping centre with my friends drinking coke and now I was waking up at the break of dawn eating porridge in Scotland.

I was quite surprised at my own sanity and that I hadn't ran around screaming at the sight of these highland warriors yet. Maybe the process was slow and sometime in the future, say ten years if I don't find a way out of here, I'll breakdown and finally find myself locked away and called insane by everyone and myself.

Well, I looked forward to that possible future.

"Rose!" I turned my head at Graham's shout to see him call me over. With a soft smile I walked over to him and the small fire with the pot of porridge bubbling over it. I gratefully accepted a bowl, a large smile spreading on my face as the warm sludge slithered down my throat. The warriors around me exchanged small conversation about weapons and the battle ahead. I didn't pay much attention as my gaze had wandered around the camp to capture a beautiful sight almost coincidently.

Finn walked out of his tent, stretching his arms up high towards the rising sun. He was shirtless, his strong arm muscles and tight, flat chest out for all to see and I had to physically pull my head away before I drooled all over my porridge.

Trying to stay away from Finn, I finished my bowl of porridge and handed the bowl back to Graham and just as I was turning to head back to the tent Graham said, "Do ye wish to wash up lass?"

Did he mean my body or dished? I so hoped he meant my body I felt like I hadn't bathed in a year. I was starting to smell and my braided hair was beyond greasy so I replied, "Yes please."

Graham smiled before taking my forearm softly and leading me away from the campsite and further and deeper into the woods. Had this been any other warrior, Finlay included, I would have been suspicious of their intentions but I trusted my life with Graham, never mind my virtue. He was just one of those people who loved most people and those he considered friends he would guard with his life. He was pretty tough and strong as well which was a bonus if you ever needed help in a fight.

Soon we arrived to a small stream, about five foot wide and no more than three foot deep. It travelled far in both directions and many trees blocked my view so I didn't know where it ended.

"I'll leave ye to wash up lass," Graham said before turning and leaving, "I'll be back in half an hour or so." I nodded and waited till I no longer heard his footfalls and he was no longer in sight before pulling Finn's tartan off along with his long and torn shirt.

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