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Eldon, Tiffany, West, Ava and James began to dance to the up beat, hiphop music playing from the brunette's speaker.

"Right now, we're just hanging out in the park working on our routine, you know, just having fun."

"It just beats being at the studio, day in and day out," Tiff explained.

"Yo, West!" Eldon called out, as the music began to slow. "Show us some flips."

The boy grinned, walking to the front of the group to have some space. "I've got this one," he smiled, running up to a nearby tree and pushing himself off it into a backflip then a series of tumbles.

Ava cheered for her friend along with the rest of the group, however West then entered some sort of sort fight or flight mode. He turned around, nearly pushing the four other dancers to the floor as he did and just bolted.

"He just ran away randomly."

"Like, hello? West? We're dancing!"

"What just happened?" Eldon scratched his head, looking around the park for the boy. The group all copied his actions, glancing at trees or bushes, when four random people start to circle the group.

"I'm hiding behind a tree because I don't want Tiffany, Ava, Eldon and James to know that I was part of this crew, the crew that's talking to them right now."

"Those were some punky moves," the tallest member, presumably their leader, said. Ava could've sworn she'd seen this guy before but couldn't pinpoint when.

"Um... What does punky mean?" James scrunched his nose up in confusion.

"Dry. Like if you were a cup of water, you'd be empty."

"This street crew thinks they're a little better than they actually are and I think they need to bring it."

"And who are you?" Tiffany folded her arms.


"Seeds?" Ava failed to stifle her laughter. "Which toddler came up with that name?"

"You all need to grow up!" James laughed along with The Next Step dancers. "Look at the little one, she hasn't even sprouted yet!" James pointed to the short girl standing to the right of the leader, when one of the boys stepped forward and began to dance. "Oh, and... speaking of dry..."

"Speaking of punky..." Eldon added.

"Okay, okay, okay, enough jokes, let's have a battle," the leader stepped forward.

"When Seeds wants a dance battle, I'm like, 'Bring it on, guys'," Tiffany smirked.

"I haven't done a dance battle in a while and I want to get in there and kind of come out on top."

"Well, then, you're on."

"We're not intimidated by Seeds, at all. They came to us 'cos they know we're the best."

"I cannot believe The Next Step is going to battle with Seeds. This is not good," West shook his head.

~ ~ ~

"So, we're at the park today. Guess who comes up from the bushes?" Tiffany looked around at the dancers sat around Studio A. "Seeds. The Seeds. They're there saying that out moves weren't good, saying how, like, they're better than us. So we're like, 'What? Let's battle, then, and then we'll show you who's the better crew.'"

"Bottom line, we're battling Seeds," James added.

"James, I think that is the worst idea you've ever came up with," West suddenly stood up shaking his head and Ava gave the boy a strange look, West was usually jumping at the chance to do something like this.

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