2. Why tho

413 5 3


Go fuck your self
And stop texting me



Because I like talking to you

Why tho

I just told you

But that's obviously a lie
If you talked to me IRL I would scream at you
Everyone hates it

Then why do you do it

Because fuck what they think I can beat them anyway
Now stop changing the subject
Why do you really text me

Because I like you
And I'm to scared to talk to you in person because of rejection and you might hit me

Why tho

Why what

Why do you like me


Why the fuck are you typing so much

I'm trying to send the list but it's not going through

Don't send a fucking lists


Because I don't wanna read that damn sappy shit

But you asked for me the reason I like you

Reason- it's singular you ducking dip shit
Not fucking plural

My bad


So why do you talk to me?

Because you're more tolerable than then other extras in class

How so?

You're a lot like icy hot

I thought you hated him

I did and still do
But he is more tolerable then everyone else's in class

How? He doesn't even have good social skills

But he has them all the quiet kids in class are annoying cuz they don't do anything and everyone does to much
He's quiet but will hold out a conversation for more than 5 seconds

How do you know?

I observe


I don't think he cares seeing as fucking deku has a g*d damn note book about him

Why do you sensor "god"?

Cuz not everyone believes in him and it's offensive to people

So you do care for people

I have a personality and a life that isn't me being an asshole and screaming every 5 seconds

So it's fake

It's a 50/50
I fake it half the time  but sometimes I just get fucking pissed

Ah I see so you're like this when your not around people

Yeah not even my parents get to see me clam like this so be great full

I am trust me


Gtg my dad wants to be an asshole to me

Burn him with liquid nitrogen


Burn him with liquid nitrogen
Shut hurts like hell and nobody knows how to ease the pain other than hospitals staff

Will do
Bye Katsuki

Bye dipshit

~𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈~ *todobaku*Where stories live. Discover now