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T: goodnight my love

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5:10 am

T: Good morning

B: Morning

T: how'd you sleep?

B: fine


T: I slept well

I apologize for not being able to reply to your texts last night

B: its whatever you were asleep

T: may i ask why you where up so late

B: I was cleaning the common area and finished some homework

T: ah i see

What time did you end up going to sleep?

B: 4:05

T: Bakugou it is 5:15, why are you up so early

B: morning workout

T: you got like an hour of sleep that's not healthy

B: i don't give a shit

I don't need you telling me what's good for me

Besides i took a 3 hr nap after school

T: alright

B: What time did you to bed?

T: around 11:30

B: you could still be sleeping why are you up so early

T: i've been up since 4 and haven;t been able to fall back asleep

B: gtg about to start my workout

T: alright just don't push too hard

You have training today

B: yeah whatever ttyl



B: hey ass hat

T: hey

B: wyd

T: just got to class, we have a free period this period

What about you

B: same, that's probably most classes

T: yeah no one really wants to do anything before 8:30

B: yeah

T: So how long did you work out for?

B: From 5:20 to 6:50 so about an hour and a half

T: okay

T: do you work out every morning

B: yeah, usually for about 1-2 hours but sometimes i go for 3-4

T: i dont think ive ever seen you work out in the mornings

B: i usually go on runs and then hit the gym in the dorm basement

~𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈~ *todobaku*Where stories live. Discover now