...me? (Edited)

324 4 1

3rd person POV

Bakugou looked at the jacket on the coat rack. He sighed and slipped it around his waist. He tied it tight and went over to the front door. He turned around and saw his mother cleaning up and checked the time. He wasn't going to be late if he left now but he still needed to pack his bag. He grabbed his bag and started shoving everything he needed into it and was about to walk out the door when his mother called. "Katsuki fix your bag. It look like it about to fall apart." He scoffed and repacked it neatly. He checked the time and he was going to be late if he left now. "Shit!!" He thought. He went to the garage and got his skate board of the wall. He grabbed a black beanie and skated off to school.


He got to school and rode up to the front doors. He jumps of his board and picked it up. He walked into the front of the building. He was earlier than expected so he didn't see a lot of people going up to class. He put his board by Aizawa's desk do he doesn't get it stolen or confiscated but the school. He sat at his desk with his feet up and put in his earbuds. He let his mind drift and he saturated analyzing the note. Trying to find any other meanings behind it. The only thing he could get out of it was that he wanted to be know by his personality; his real personality. The smell of lemons cut him out of his trance he looked over and saw Todoroki standing over him. "Just a coincidence'" he thought. He looked at Todoroki and asked "what do you want icyhot?" He didn't shout. He didn't want to, it hurt his throat. Todoroki gave him a question look and replied, "I got all your work for you while you where out." Todoroki spoke in a more "happy" tone than usual, and Bakugou noticed. He didn't care though "just an observation." He thought. He grabbed the papers the other boy handed him and spoke, "Thanks Icyhot" the whole class had arrived shortly before he said that and they all whipped their heads around to look at him. And Todoroki, he had a shocked face and a light pink blush dusting his face. He gave Bakugou a small smile and said "No problem." Then proceeded to go to his seat. Bakugou looked that class and saw them all staring at him. He throat hurt from the week before, so he didn't feel like yelling so instead just raised his voice. "What are you all looking at extras?" Everyone in the class looked like they had just seen a murder happen right in front of them. Bakugou tried to raise his voice only slightly, but really it stayed a clam tone. The combination of a calm Bakugou, and his eyes glaring holes through everyone scared them shitless. Bakugou scoffed and plugged his earbuds back in. And look out the window, waiting for class to start. His phone vibrated and let off the lotttle ding of I text message. He turned off his ringer and looked at the text.


Hey guess what

What do you want dork

I lied

I know. No one in class looked like that picture.

Well I was going to wear that but then I realized you would know my identity and that's bad juju

Bad juju? I haven't heard anyone use that phrase since I was a toddler

What's wrong with my choice in phrases?

Nothing just thought it was funny

Gtg dork

Bye Katsuki

3rd person POV

Bakugou looked up and saw the teacher walk in the class. Aizawa stood at the front of the desk and saw I new skate board next to Sero's. He looked back at the class and took attendance. Afterwards he went to his desk and to inventory on all the items he need to make sure don't get stolen. he gets to the new skateboard and looks up. "Who's skateboard is this?" he points at Bakugou's board he the blond raises his hand and say "Mine." Aizawa nodded and he put his hand down. The teacher walked to the front of the room and got the classes attention. "There is a special announcement today. The dorms have been relocated closer to the school for better security and in doing so we needed to make them more compact. Hence, everyone is going to get a roommate. The roommates will be of the same gender and there will be no switching roommates no matter how much you hate them. I will be listing them now." Bakugou didn't pay much attention to the names untill he heard his. "Bakugou and Todoroki." He didn't mind Todoroki he was rivals with him but he didn't hate him as much as the other kids in school.


Class was dismissed and Bakugou went to the courtyard because all of his other classes were taking test, and he got exempt from them. He sat under a tree and put his headphones on putting on a lofi hip hop playlist. He sat and closed his eyes, feeling the breeze on his skin and enjoying the fresh air he's been craving since he left. He sat there in silence just listening to the music and the sound of birds and trees when he smelled Lemon. He kept his eyes close and felt a presence sit next to him. They stay silent and no one disrupted the peace and quiet they found, untill they heard the school bell ring. School was over but Bakugou didn't want to go back to the dorms. He already felt tired of people from the week before, he didn't need people to take care of, he was struggling to keep himself afloat. He opens his eyes slowly and sighed, thinking the other person had left and the teacher would wonder where he was. He started standing up but a hand gently pulled him down. He looked over and saw Todoroki with his hand around Bakugou's wrist, barely holding on to it. Bakugou looked at him and sat down. He looked at the boy and sighed. Todorki then spoke up. "Have you ever noticed that your eyes are a pretty shade of ruby red." Bakugou whipped his head around and looked at the boy in shock. He's the stalker but he would never. He hates me. Doesn't he have a thing with deku? Wtf this isn't real this can't be happening. Bakugou's head scrambled to grasp any type of explanation for what he heard but nothing came to mind except. He actually likes ......me? Bakugou was staring at the other boy while trying to collect his thought and Todoroki looked at him confused. When Bakugou finally found something to say he looked at Todoroki's and blushed a pink more pink than Mina, the alien queen, herself. Todoroki's head was titled slightly and the wind was caughting in his hair perfectly. Todorki saw Bakugou blush and sighed thinking of what he was supposed to say. Bakugou finally broke they silence and said "you like......me?"


Sorry for the bad chapter but I wrote this in one day and I had no clue what to do so I went when with the flow

Please leave suggestions and constructive criticism. Hate comments will be deleted.
And tell me what you like and don't like about the book. I wanna know how to make this book better.
Anyway enjoy reading and keep looking for clues Scooby Doo

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