Memories and medicines

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3rd person POV:

"For how long?" "Is that so? Well then you will have to try harder to hide it and you shall not rub off on Shoto, understand."

Todoroki's father wasn't the nicest person in the world but he tried to at least understand his family sometimes. He was still a horrible father but he accepted a few things that and good parent should; except when it came to Shoto. He was the golden shield of his twisted family and his father would not tolerate anything other than perfection.

The day Fuyumi and Natsuo came out, Shoto decided to watch, he didn't know what the LGBT+ was but he didn't really care he loved his siblings. He walked from behind the kitchen door frame, and he saw his father actually care for his sibling for once, though it was very subtle. "The only condition I have is that you do not bring Shoto into this community, he needs to focus on training and working to become a hero, not on any love interest's." He couldn't hear anyone but his father speak since he was far but his father got up and started walking towards the living room.

Shoto ran so he wouldn't get in trouble for eavesdropping and he sat on the couch. His father then came up to him and asked, "Shoto do you know what that conversation was about" Shoto new he couldn't act stupid but he couldn't be a smart ass at the same time. He looked towards his siblings, who had seen him while talking with his father and they both shook their heads. He looked at his father and shook his head in reply. "Good, you should not concern yourself with anything of that conversation now or ever. Now go. I have business to attend to."

Shoto got of the couch and went over to his siblings. His father was a little more lenient with training and free time because Shoto almost broke his arm and leg and he need to let his body rest before he started trying again otherwise his arm would fracture and leave little fragment in his muscle. His sister the pet his head and told him good job and how she was proud of him.

3rd person POV:

Todoroki's eyes fluttered open and he saw soft light. He felt a hand petting him in his head like his sister did when he was little and oh how much me missed it. Wih out thinking he grabbed the hand and nuzzles it cheek into it, smiling softly feeling the soft texture and warmth of the hand. Bakugou was surprised when Todoroki woke up but he thought it was cute. Bakugou didn't have the best life or friends and he never cared for softness but seeing Todoroki like this just made him happy and calm. Surprising right? It was for him too, he didn't know why but he wasn't complaining he just moved his thumb over Todoroki's cheek. He smiled softly and watched Todoroki slowly nuzzle into his palm.

Todoroki opened his eyes and looked around and saw Bakugou smiling and realized he was just acting like a child and nuzzling into his hand. His eyes widened and he made eyes contact with Bakugou. His whole body tensed and he was about to get up but then he was pleasantly surprised by Bakugou stroking his thumb over his cheek. Bakugou looked away smiling faintly, his thumb keeping a steady rhythm. Todoroki was surprised and he didn't know what to do. "Bakugou showing a soft side? Rubbing my cheek, smiling!? God he's adorable. But why? Why is he being like this with me? I thought he hated me? This is all so confusing. I-" Todoroki didn't even realize but he had tears running down his cheek. Bakugou looked over and saw this and was startled. He didn't know what happened or what he did. His hand froze and todorki opended his eyes and looked at Bakugou, and he saw, worry? He felt the tears in his eyes and realized he was crying. He lifted his head and wiped the tears and apologized. "I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." Bakugou looked a little relived and sighed. "It's fine." His voice was merely a whisper but it carried more emotion than anyone knew his voice could.

Todoroki the remembered the events from the day before and asked, "how's your throat, is it better?" Bakugou nodded and tuned to look at the window, his cheeked flushed pink. Recovery girl walked in with aizawa and spoke, "Bakugou will be on bed rest for the next 2 days, and will be put on recovery leave for about the next week and a half. You, Todoroki, will be in charge of taking care of him and making sure he doesn't have to much stimulation." She spoke with a caring look in her eyes. Aizawa then spoke "As you know spring break is in 2 weeks and class 1-A will get out early as a congratulatory gift for excelling in their training. You boys will be out until spring break, I will send Iida or Yaoyorozu to give you your assignments and I expect them to be done by spring break when I come to collect them. Also Bakugou, your Mother called. She's going on a business trip so you are either going to have to go home alone or stay with a friend. That is all. I'll let you both know if something changes." With that aizawa left the room.

Recovery girl went to a cabinet and got a 3 bottles of medicine and grabbed 2 syringe's. The boys looked at the one with a needle then each other. Only to look away to the sound of a pill bottle shaking. Recovery girl walked over to Bakugou and said, "Bakugou will have to take a pill and a liquid medicine for at least a week, and he'll have to have a shot for the next 5 days just to make sure he gets all his nutrients since his throat still has to heal and he can't eat solid food." With that she turned to Todoroki and said; "you will be in charge of giving him the shot and it will be given 3 times a day or every 4-7 hours depending on how active he is." With that she gave him the little vile and turned back to Bakugou. She asked him to open his mouth and he did willingly but she then put a big syringe with cough medicine in it in his throat and made him swallow it, him making a gross face afterwards. She then gave him a pill and a small paper cup of water. She went back to her desk and started talking to the boys. "Bakugou will have to take that pill and syrup twice, once when he wakes up and once before he goes to bed. And yes you have to use that syringe because it need to cover it entire esophagus. After you get off of bed rest you can do whatever you'd like just no intense training and try to refrain from using your quirk. You will go to the new dorms, you belongs have already been moved there. The class won't be there until spring break since their items and belongings still need to be transported. And Bakugou once you get your voice back, it is not an invitation to yell or scream. Speak softly or whisper until your throat is completely healed. That's is all now, you are able to leave after lunch." She turned and left to go heal students during all day training today.

Since the class has all day trading today and tomorrow the class has weekend classes so the boys won't see anyone at all during the week. Todoroki turn to look at Bakugou, who was looking out the window. He put his arms down on the bed and laid his head down, trying to relax and process everything he was just told. Looked up and saw Bakugou looking at him. Bakugou quickly turned back to the window blush prominent in his cheeks. Todoroki smiled and stifled a chuckle while closing his eyes. Not even a second later he felt a hand petting his hair gently. He moved his head closer to the hand and smiled. Bakugou blushed but didn't move his hand. He continued gently stroking his hair and smiled softly. Todoroki evens out his breath and pretended to be asleep, a trick he learned to escape his fathers late night lectures. Bakugou noticed and thought he was asleep, he took his hand off for a minute just to see for sure. Todoroki felt this but didn't move or react, though he was secretly sad and missed the gentle touch. Bakugou thought he was fully asleep and moved out from the covers and laid down close to the other boy. He held one of his hands gently as to not wake him and continued petting his head again until he himself drifted of to sleep. Todoroki opens his eyes and lifted his head to look at Bakugou. He Slowly got up and laid next to the blonde boy. He moved Bakugou's hand and kissed it, putting it in his chest. He smiled and kissed his forehead. "Get better soon Katsuki, I love you." With that Todoroki fell asleep.

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