Waffles from America

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I edited this a little bit and added some things and fixed grammar and spelling errors. Also if your worrying that it's not making sense cuz of the pictures I'm gonna make it work don't worry :^

3rd person POV:

Bakugou woke up to the smell of lemon. He opens his eyes slowly, taking his time to adjust to the light. He fully opens them and saw something black covering his pillow; a black hoodie covering his pillow. He didn't remember wearing one the day before and he didn't recall having anything Lemmon scented other than cleaner. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. They were a little swollen, but they where much better than last night. Last night... that's right the stalker visited me. He thought recalling the events from the night before. He sat at the edge of his bed and noticed something on his desk; a note? He got up and went to his desk, picking up the note and reading "your eyes are the most beautiful shade of ruby red" He lets out a small scoff, his cheeks dusted with a light pink. Maybe this stalker isn't as shitty as I thought. He opened the letter and sees what looks like a fucking essay. Upon closer inspection it looks like they writer was writing big and very neatly. The blonde started to read.

Katsuki's POV:

" Hello Katsuki, I've written this letter to let you know something's. First, I wanted to remind you that today is late arrival for school and a free dress day. Oh shit I forgot about that Second, you can keep the hoodie you grabbed last night I don't mind. And I have one small request from you. Fucking hell Would you please wear that hoodie to school today? You don't have to but I would very much appreciate it. Lastly I will be giving hints to you but I'm return you have to let me visit without trying to see who I am. I would like you to get to know me on my personality. And not the mask I put on at school. That all for now KitKat.
-Love ********"

3rd person POV:
The boy started at the note trying to process the information he read. This idiot is so...... so........ uhg! He's ......... nice... I guess I don't know!

The smell of waffles broke the boy out of his trance. He wondered who would be cooking because his mother was probably hung over and his father doesn't care enough to cook. He got a shiver down his back and realized that his room was freezing he looked over to his bed and saw the hoodie laying on his pillow. He slipped the hoodie on, it was a little big but not over sized, and he headed down stairs. He looked over to the kitchen and saw his mother making a big American breakfast. It had been years since he had American food and he could resist the smell that lead him to the entry way of the kitchen. His mother look at him and gave him a soft smile. She's wiped her hands on a towel and went over and hugged her son With tears in her eyes. Bakugou was stunned he never saw his mother cry and she never hugged him either. He hesitantly hugged back and soon was melting into the embrace as it had been so long since he last had real affection from his parents. Mistuki stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Katsuki...... I'm sorry for all the pain I've cause you all these years. You never deserved what I put you through and.... And... I'm sorry."
Mistuki had tears streaming down her face. She felt so much resentment towards herself and what she did to her son. And she hates that he had to go through that pain. Katsuki gave her a soft smile and hugged her speaking softly. "I love you too mom" Its the first time he actually said that to her since he was a toddler. He had some tears in his eyes but the never fell. They hugged for a little bit before Mistuki insisted on continuing to make breakfast. She also insisted that Katsuki was not allowed to help. After trying argue he decided to go pick out an outfit for school. He looked through his closet and couldn't decide what he should wear. He got a text and he immediately checked his phone to see if it was his stalker. He immediately gave him self an internal face palm afterwards.

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