Ruby red

384 7 4

⚠️TW ⚠️
Mentions of abuse
And fighting.



Fuck you

Have you given up on find out who I am

Gtg my old hag needs me


Time skip brought to you by Vine



Are you okay? Do you need help? Have you been kidnapped. Should I call the police or hero's?

I'm fine dipshit. Just tired.

Ah okay. What happened? you seem sad.

My old hag is a bitch. And I would rather be at school than this hell hole

What happened?

Nothing. Don't worry about it

Katsuki. Tell me.

No. It's fine fuck off.

Katsuki, tell me or I get Nezu involved.

NO. Fine, but if you tell anyone I will murder you.

Okay, promise

Okay, uh started this morning, I woke up took my meds and made breakfast, then she woke up.

What happened when she woke up?

She grabbed a beer and started drinking. I sat down and ate and after I finished I got up to wash the dishes , she was in the kitchen and on about her 4th bottle.

How long did you eat for?

10-15 minutes. I went into the kitchen and washed my dishes and after I finished she threw a bottle at the wall next to me and it shattered. The she threw one at my face and again it shattered. She started screaming something at me but I couldn't hear or pay attention, my old man walked by and I tried asking him for help before she threw another one but he just walked away. She did throw another one but it still had beer in it so it was stinging in my cuts. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up.
This happened Over and over all day and I'm still picking glass out of my face


I fucking knew it.


Just leave me alone. Clearly I'm to much for you to handle.

No your not. I was just grabbing my bat



What ever it's not like I'm new to this
Been happening for years

Katsuki that's not good

I know that shit head
But I deserve this shit
Makes up for all they pain I cause people at school

Close your eyes

Wtf, why

Just close them please

Fine whatever

<3 <3 <3

3rd person POV:
Bakugou closed his eyes and sat on his bed confused. He had no idea why he listened but he did. Maybe it was because he felt like he could trust the unknown number or maybe because he had nothing better to do. Either way he was curious about why he had his eyes closed.

Little did he know Todoroki snuck in through the window. Bakugou was clueless to what was happening but Todoroki knew then pain he felt all to well. Todoroki walked over to Bakugou and hugged him resting his cheek on top of the blondes head. Bakugou was stunned, he was about to push the stranger back and fucking attack them but their voice stopped him in his tracks. Their voice sounded familiar, but was unrecognizable. "You don't deserve any of this, Katsuki. You deserve to be loved." The voice spoke and Bakugou almost broke down in tears. The voice was smooth and calm, with a caring melody in the words. The words spoken reminded him of his mother when he was still very little, before she started drinking, the words she would tell him when he would lose a friend. "Everyone has to leave at one point. But not matter what you will be loved." Bakugou wrapped his arms around the mystery person and buried his head into their torso, letting silent tears run down his face. "Keep your eyes closed I'll be back in a minute." Todoroki spoke softly to not disrupt he blonde. He let go of the blonde and the blonde kept his eyes closed. Todorki bent down and wiped a tear off of Bakugou's cheek, and kissed the spot the tear had abandoned. He stood up and left the room, leaving Bakugou with teary eyes, and a red face.

Todorki went down stairs and put his bat on his shoulder. He would be damned if he let someone hurt his love. He walked into Bakugou's parent's room and closed the door. He covers the floor in ice to wake up the adults. Both of them woke up with a startled look on their faces. Todoroki started walk towards them slowly, swinging the bat as he walked. Masaru saw Todoroki's silhouette and thought Todoroki was a burglar. "Please don't hurt us we have nothing of value, everything is in our sons room! Hurt him not us please!" Todoroki was shocked and infuriated by his response. Telling someone to hurt his son instead of him. Mitsuki spoke up. "Please don't hurt my baby! I love him! Please! The mon-" Mitsuki tried confessing where the money was but Masaru stoped her, putting a hand over her mouth. Todoroki was furious and decided to speak. "I'm not here for money. I'm here for him" Todoroki brought the bat up and pointed it at Masaru. His voice was low and stern, resembling endeavors but more scary. Masaru tried using his quirk but was caught in ice before it went off. Todoroki hit him with the bat and he fell unconscious. He melted the ice and tossed him out the window. He turned around and spoke, "I won't hurt you, Mrs.Bakugou but you should tell Katsuki what happened. And if you hurt him again I will come for you." Todoroki turned around and the little light in the room made his eyes barely visible. He activated his quirk to melt the ice on the floor. In doing so his eyes glowed, giving Mitsuki a clear image of their color. "Thank you. Please, take care of my son." She spoke up with the pleading look in her eyes.

Todoroki nodded and went back upstairs to Bakugou. He opened the door, and saw Bakugou sleeping soundly on the bed with Todoroki's hoodie. He thought it fell off on the stairs, but really Bakugou held onto it when he left.  He kissed Bakugou on the head before leaving a note on the desk. He snuck out the window and went back home. Todorki decided to give Bakugou a little hint in the note that he would only realize in school tomorrow.
On the front of the note it read " your eyes are the most beautiful shade of ruby red"

~𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈~ *todobaku*Where stories live. Discover now