
295 17 12

setting: central juvenile hall
                           los angeles, CA
                     date: april 21 2021
time: 9:30 AM


                 .tyler had been the first to wake up out of both of them. he stretched his arms and legs while letting out a long yawn.

the sound of the plastic on the bed caused rakim to wake up after him. he groggily made noises and eventually opened his eyes

"good morning rocky"

tyler exclaimed tiredly before getting up and stretching.

"good morning flower boy, how'd you sleep?"

"horribly, i'm scared of the- i mean my bed was uncomfortable so it was hard for me to sleep"

tyler caught himself before he could say what he wanted to say, to be honest, tyler could sleep anywhere if he was that tired, but he didn't wanna seem weak in front of rakim.

"what were you gonna say before you cut yourself off?"

"oh uh nothing it isn't important."

"nah say it, it's fine i won't judge"

"oh i was just gonna say that i- i'm scared of the dark so it was kinda hard for me to sleep.."

rakim nodded his head and sat up right, he walked up to tyler and put his hand on tyler's shoulder.

"it's alright, i wouldn't judge you about that."

tyler nodded and turned to look at rocky, he watched him get closer and closer to his ear.

"and hey, maybe i can get a flash light from one of these kids if one of em sell them"

tyler got goosebumps from hearing rakims voice in his ear, he whispered an ok in responding to rakim.

they both sat back down and conversed about any random topics at mind. whether it's going back home or what they're gonna do for summer, they just talked.

"i like riding my bike during the summer with my friends, or my old one.."

"oh, do you mind me asking what happened to your old friend?"

"oh uhhhmm" tyler sat and looked down at his hand, it saddened him to think of his old friend.

"uh his name was wyatt.. i kinda may have had a sorta crush on him and he didn't really like me back, i don't even think he was gay.. but that's besides the point. we were friends for a while and we just separated.."

tyler shrugs his shoulders with a sigh and looks away. he realized rocky was quiet so he probably talked too much."


i sat and thought about what tyler said. so he does have attraction to boys. i wanted to make a joke to stop the silence but i don't think it's the time.

"well uhmm i-i'm sorry about that.. well at least you have a new friend! me!"

i looked at tyler with jazz hands open. he smiled and high fives my jazz hands, his hands were pretty soft for someone in juvenile detention..

that sounds weird.

"i know this is random but your hands are really soft.. "

tyler looked flustered for a bit. he then nodded his head and looked back up.

"thank you, thanks"

i hummed in response and looked out the cell. i gave an occasional side eye to tyler every few seconds. i watched him zone out in the direction of the floor.

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