7. the color pink can travel.

316 17 17

central juvenile hall
los angeles, CA
date: april 26th 2021
time: 8:15 AM


. tyler finally woke up after another hour of resting. fortunately for him, breakfast was still going on for another 15 minutes.

he banged on the cell doors two times, the guard came out and unlocked his cell.

he calmly stepped out, whipping his mouth and his eyes, getting any crust off of those areas.

he walked down the stairs, waving at a few people and walked to the table.

symere, jordan, and rakim all starred at tyler who gave them a weak smile. they looked him up and down with satisfied eyes.

"wassup t baby"

jordan said patting tyler on the shoulder.

"im tired, im not even gonna go into detail cause i know rakim probably already told ya."

tyler let his foot bounce up and down, making a click noise against the floor. he seemed almost anxious? as if he felt like he did something wrong.

"tyler, what's wrong??"

jordan could sense something wrong with tyler, when his foot bounced and his hands fiddled, something had to be wrong.

"nothing jor, w-why'd you ask?"

jordan gave a dead panned face, he told rocky to go next to symere, getting close to tyler.

"now come on. i've known you for the longest!! now tell me what's wrong. you know you never get anxious so when you do, it's gotta be something."

tyler sighed and looked down, he blinked a few times before whispering something in jordan's ear.

"i just feel like i didn't reach the standard of rakim earlier. i felt like i disappointed him but it's my first time and i really hope he doesn't think of me like a wimp for it. i mean, he has a girlfriend, i'm just his sneaky link for now. soon enough he's gonna get tired of me and throw me away. same thing like the last."

jordan pulled away from tyler, knowing rakims real words. he looked at tyler sympathetically.

"tyler, now say what you said to me to rakim."

tyler looked at jordan confused, he whispered it for a reason, he didn't wanna say it out loud.

"nah i'm cool, i don't really like speaking on things i keep confidential s-"

"tyler. say it. c' mon now.."

tyler huffed, letting his cheeks puff up. he looked at rakim and placed his hands under the table.

he felt nauseated. he had to put his hands down so they could stop shaking, but they wouldn't stop him from wanting to puke all around the table.

"uhh.. i kinda felt bad about early. i know you probably wanted to go on further, and i know you probably might not have patience when it comes to pleasure. so i'm sorry.. and i know i'm not really anything to you right now, being the fact that you have a girl friend, one of the most beautiful girls in the world. so if you really don't see us getting anywhere, it's okay. but thank you for a taste of my first time, rakim."

rakim looked down, he truly felt bad that tyler felt that way, he knew it was opposite. fully opposite.

"tyler, tyler my baby. you didn't disappoint me one bit, i can guarantee that you did better than a lot of people. and i know about the girl friend situation, i'm in the wrong with that one. but i see something between us. i really do. when i get outta here i'm breaking up with her.."

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