3.phsyco short boy.

292 13 17

setting: central juvenile hall
los angeles, CA
date: april 22 2021
time: 2:40 PM


. rakim and i sat in our cell talking about how we just got our stuff back. i looked through everything i had and realized i carried the book where i drew and wrote all my ideas for
the future.

cause i know it's bright.

"what you smillin bout flower boy t?"

i looked up from the open book with a smile, i could never get tired of that nickname.

"oh nothing, i just was looking at some of the ideas i wrote in my little journal."

"pass it, lemme see"

i looked at the book and looked at rocky, i haven't even showed my mom this book, let alone showing this random boy i met two days ago

"you sure you wanna see it?"

"positive now hand it over"

rakim grabs the book out my hand, causing me to try to grab it back. i thought i could grab real
fast but for some reason rakim was quick on his feet.

"give it back!!"

i yelled in between giggles and wheezes

"or what? huh? or what"

rakim teased me as he flipped through the pages, it caused me to just give up and let him.

"alright uhhh, page 122."

my eyes widened as a i knew what that page was, it was a song i made about wyatt. my heart thumped out of my chest. i never get anxious, but this was the first time any type of anxiety got to me.

rocky read the page in his head, i watched as his eyes scanned the page. he got to the bottom and his face lost all emotion, he read it out loud.

"you, wyatt pulled me out of my closet and into my garden shed. and while i always say i love who i love, i always loved you. you pulled me out of my comfort zone and forever made me realize, that bees love flowers for their nectar, but this bee(me) loved you(the flower) for your true colors, and the nectar that came with it.

-written april 19th 2021"

rocky looked down with a face of guilt as i snatched the book back. rocky seemed deep in thought.

"so you never moved on from wyatt?"

i ignored him, i didn't wanna hear the truth. because i knew i stilled love wyatt, i just didn't wanna face it.

"tyler. you never moved on."

rocky's voice gained bass and seemed serious.

"uhh yea. yea."

"why haven't you moved on??"

"because i just didn't ok?! it's not important"

rocky must have took that as a sign to stop
talking about it because he changed the subject.

"well the song is really nice, you're probably dope at what you do."

"thanks, i appreciate that"

rocky handed me back the book smiling for closure"

we both unpacked the last of our stuff and began to get settled in. we put on our bed sheets and necessities away.

i made sure i took everything out the bag so i could throw it away, making more room in the cell.

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