5. just kiss me again

416 15 28

setting: Central juvenile hall
los angeles, CA
date: april 24 2021
                              time: 9:30 AM


rakim woke up with the same tingly feelings that he had when he originally kissed tyler. for some reason his lips were much softy than they usually are when he first wakes up.

he feels them with a smile. he sits up quietly on his bed. he looks over to see his cell mate, tyler, sleeping peacefully.

his smile changes sides while he fusses a bit, making some noises. rakim truly couldn't take his eyes off tyler, he didn't get why he liked the boy so much, because at first site, he didn't know what to feel.

but tyler was thinking completely different than rakim. at first he was annoyed by him, but now he's happy with him. he stirs in his sleep, he's dreaming of the time he kissed rakim, as if it didn't happen yesterday.

rakim looks at tyler with a content look. honestly he couldn't thank jordan enough for giving him those pieces of advice yesterday. it was something good to keep at the back of his head.

but also, kentrell and montero flirting with tyler was another good reminder to keep in his head, even though they haven't met so long ago, and kentrell and montero met tyler most literally a day ago, they still have gained and maybe a growing attraction.

so it reminds rakim that he has competition, and apparently a lot of it. and he knows it might not be like those teen romances where the popular boy meets the shy girl and after all the girls like him he picks the shy girl. but he's hoping he at least gets a chance or not more of a chance than the others.

rakim looks away for a few seconds, he was scared that tyler was going to catch him staring at him sleeping.

"i know, i look so good, you should take a picture rah."

rakim jumped at hearing tyler's husky voice. it was raspy but so smooth at the same time. like a dark melted chocolate.

"ohh uh.. uh i just wanted to make sure you were ok because you were moving a lot in your sleep.."

rakim made up any excuse he could. he didn't know what to say. he didn't wanna seem weird if he said that tyler looked good in his sleep.

"oh, probably because i was having a good dream. i tend to move a lot when i'm having night mares or good dreams."

rakims face lit up with a smirk. tyler giggled calmly, he laid back in his bed once again.

"mind telling me about the dream tyler?"

rakim did a goofy voice which followed with his spray bottle laugh and a gasp for air. sometimes he really cracked himself up.

"it wasn't anything like that rakim." tyler clarified with an eye roll "it was uh.. it was about yesterday."

rakims face dropped a bit. tyler had to clarify which part of yesterday. was it kentrells kiss? or his?

"it was our kiss."

rakim didn't realize he said that out loud, he kinda smacked himself in the head.

"it's ok rakim, i do the same sometimes, i don't mind you asking anyway."

rakim didn't realize he said that out loud AGAIN. the validation was nice though.

"oh.. well i mean did you enjoy the kiss??"

tyler was getting up and walking to the tiny bathroom they had in the cell. he grabbed his tooth brush and tooth paste, opening his tooth brush cover.

"is that even a question, of course i did."

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