6. all eyes on you baby

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             setting: Central juvenile hall
los angeles, CA
date: april 25th 2021
time: 11:30 PM


         . tyler woke up from his nap to see rakim
now taking his. he must've slept for a while because the lights were off and everyone was supposedly asleep.

he huffed in and out, wanting rakim to do what he did to him earlier. it was amazing.

a soft groan comes out his mouth, just thinking about it made him feel so tingly, especially in that one area.

he moved the covers off of himself a bit to see his wet underwear. he didn't even think about rakim for that long? what made this happen??

he put his head back onto the metal bar that kept a part of his bed up. he decided to just gonna try not to pay mind to it.

he thought of random things, like summer, perfume, rakim.. no not him.

tyler became upset at himself for thinking about him. everything he was thinking about was rakim. and it was always dirty.

at this point his lower part was throbbing, he pulled the covers back and slipped his hand down into his underwear.

he began to touch up on my sensitive lips, i prayed that rakim wouldn't wake up, he would know his secret.

he kept touching on it, it only took a few rubs for him to be heavily aroused.


a moan comes out tylers mouth. it's a little too loud so he covered his mouth, trying to hide the noise.

he slid more fingers into it by the minute, it felt so good. all he could do was think about rakim.

"rakimmm uhh"

a muffled moan came out of tyler's mouth, he kept riding his own fingers. he thought of his fingers as rakims, or maybe something bigger.

"oh u-uh oh."

tyler couldn't contain his noise no more, he had to keep his other hand in the bed sheets, grabbing them. he kept pushing his fingers into his private.


he moaned louder than he wanted to, causing rakim to jump, thinking something was wrong with tyler.

"what happened tyler what hap-"

he stopped worrying after he saw the wet bed sheets, his panic turned into a smirk.

"what were you doing that got the bed sheets all wet??"

tyler looked down at the bed sheets and quickly cleaned himself up, moving his hand away from his underwear.

he wipped his finger off and moved it behind him.

"oh uh, it's just drool!! yea i drool in my sleep."

rakim moved closer to the bed, ripping off the sheets to see the rest of the mess that was made by tyler.

tyler's breathe shuttered by the cold air that was now hitting his half naked body.

"i didn't know you got down like that okonma."

the use of tyler's last name just added the frosting to the cake, tyler was just full of ecstasy.

rakim sat down on the bed, tyler was excited for what could be going down. rakim saw tyler's excitement, and decided to play with him for
a little.

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