𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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"God, if I hear one more tangent about the symbolism of whatever you're on about - I think I might puke." Technoblade shuddered and appeared from around the shelf. Hertha was still terrified of that man, and shuffled closer to Ranboo to feel safer, which she did. "Hertha, how can you listen to this?" Technoblade turned to the maid and she felt small. She felt tiny under his gaze.

"Technoblade!" Venus appeared and went to Hertha, "she looks like she's going to die!" She exclaimed and pulled Hertha up. Ranboo helped her and stood behind her so she could lean on him.

"I'm truly sorry... Technoblade. But you do honestly terrify me." Hertha confessed with a weak smile. Technoblade crouched to her level and carefully outstretched a hand:

"We should try and get to know each other better. You're a friend of Venus. I want you to feel as welcome and safe as I tried to make her. As a great friend of Venus, I'll make sure you're safe here." Technoblade promised her, letting her hand touch his as though she were a toddler getting to know her new babysitter. "Plus Venus would positively kill me if I got you hurt." He added to lighten the mood while straightening up.

"Mate, I told you it was dinner five minutes ago!" The blond man from before flew in. Hertha didn't know his name, and by that point, felt it was rude to ask. "Let's go. You can try and persuade them to stay the night at the table." He grumbled and left. They all made their way to the dining hall as a four.

Hertha sat by Venus and waited for the men of the table to serve themselves before both herself and Venus served each other. The table was relatively quiet until Technoblade spoke up: "So Venus... are you willing to stay over for a night?" He asked the woman, who just continued to eat her food without sparing him another glance. Hertha prodded her princess to respond, hoping she'd say yes.

"We really should get going." Venus sighed after swallowing a mouthful of potatoes. Technoblade looked slightly disappointed, so did Hertha.

"Oh please, my princess? Could we stay? It seems impractical to leave at night and I'd just love for you to rest for once." Hertha begged, trying her best not to mention how she wanted to stay herself.

"We have sets of clothes for you ladies already." The old man added onto the argument against leaving after dinner.

"Plus... I think my dinner would come up if we left straight after." She shuddered and Venus chuckled at her maid.

"Stay! Let Hertha talk to Ranboo some more, they were just getting started. It'll be fine, Venus. I'll make sure you don't get in trouble." Technoblade promised and put a hand closer to Venus's side of her food. She only ignored it and took a drink of water in place of looking at the king trying to persuade her.

"Fine. Only because Hertha gets seasick." Venus sighed. There was a cheer across the table and Hertha looked at Ranboo happily across from where she sat. Ranboo only sat there amazed at her wide smile.

Dinner ended, Hertha was led to a room by who she figured out was called Phil. She found out through Ranboo conversing with him up ahead as she followed and minded herself. She was shown into a door, into a large room with a bed twice the size of her own. It had dark blue covers which looked as though they were just calling for Hertha to lay in them. There was also a fireplace, a fire pre-lit and crackling a greeting to her. It was lavish. And home-like. The room felt like a living room, as Hertha walked in and looked around - it was like walking into someone's living space. The room itself felt like the size of her kitchen as well, far bigger than her room but smaller than the actual cottage. She liked it a lot. Phil then spoke, "your clothes are over there, behind your painting should be a bath and Ranboo's in the room to your left if you need anything. Feel free to just call and I'll be there soon." He smiled and bowed at Hertha after she curtsied in return for the great service. He left soon after with Ranboo to let her change.

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