Chapter 2

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Lisa could feel sweat trickling down her jaw to her neck as she stared straight into her opponents eyes. Those eyes held fear while hers held a strong sense of confidence. She knew better than to show any sort of fear.

She swung her wooden, training sword and offered a sword salute with mock seriousness. The corner of her lips lifted into a not so humbling smirk and one of her opponents seemed to grow annoyed. She looked to her right,

"Are you ready brother?" She shouted, wiping her sweat with the back of her arm. He laughed, swinging his dark, wooden sword and counting their opponents that surrounded the both of them.

"I'm not so sure this is fair sister. There's only two of us and six of them. Wouldn't it be better if there were 10 gentlemen?" He mocked. Lisa giggled while pointing at each one of them with her sword,

"Don't be so modest brother. 20 would've been most sufficient."

One of the strong opponents growled, "Enough of this! Move forward gentlemen!!"

And so one ran straight to their princess. He lifted his sword with a shout and thrusted it towards her chest but Lisa, as quick witted as she was, swiftly blocked the attack with her own sword. She stepped to the side then forward, gliding her sword down and against the opponents own weapon till she stood closely to the angry gentlemen. The poor gentlemen did not see her next move coming.

Lisa sent a wink before gripping his sword and head butting him, leaving him dazed and on the floor without a sword.

"Two swords? Oh my sister, feeling fancy now are we?" Jiyong shouted over the clash of swords  and pieces of wood flying as he dodged and front kicked another man to the floor. Lisa laughed, dodging a swing of a sword by leaning back,

"Says the man with the chest shield! Twice as fancy I might add!"

"You hear that gentlemen?" He said as he swung, "My younger sister turns 18 and now mocks her older brother!"

The moment Lisa turned 17, she asked her brother if she could watch him train with the knights. But he said no. Lisa protested only to jump in delight. Her brother asked her if she'd like to train with them. And ever since, Lisa loved sword fighting more than archery.

Granted, she was a terrible shot.

It only took her a year to become a great fighter–no, Lisa was one of the best fighters and not just with a sword.

"I think they've had enough," Lisa panted out, smiling in victory towards the beaten, wailing knights on the floor. Jiyong was breathing deeply alongside her and nodded,

"Gentlemen get up and drink some water. Training isn't over yet."

They all groaned in unison.

Lisa smiled to herself, dropping both swords on the grass. She sat herself on the bench and groaned in pain. Her body felt tired and sore. The heat didn't help with her exhaustion but she was happy nonetheless.

She tightened her hair up even more then fanned her sweaty neck, cursing internally for forgetting to bring a rag. But then, a white cloth fell onto her lap and she smiled gratefully,

"Thank you– oh! Lady Jennie!"

Lisa stood up immediately, facing the woman herself. The woman she hadn't seen in two years stood before her in all her natural beauty. Jennie smiled kindly and curtsied,

"Hello, Princess Lisa."

There was always an air of confidence in Jennie, however, that air seemed to be stronger. She had a certain elegance to her beauty. She was a woman now. A true woman and Lisa suddenly felt unworthy to be in her presence despite her higher rank.

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