Chapter 6

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A week had passed since the ball. Most importantly, a week had passed since her brother announced his and Jennie's courtship and Lisa had yet spoken a word to Jennie. Granted, Jennie had failed to utter a single word to her as well. A silent agreement? Perhaps.

Lisa could hardly focus on the words in the book as she sat in her usual seating area in the library. She most likely re-read the paragraph over and over, again but it became rather bothersome that the information had yet to imprint in her thoughts. Her mind could not still no matter how hard she tried.

Thus, Lisa let out a breath of frustration before closing the book and standing up. She placed it back onto the shelf before turning around to walk towards the door. However, before she could take hold of the door knob, the door opened and she found herself staring at Jennie.

Those exquisite eyes widened in surprise and those beautiful, full, pink lips parted, allowing a gasp to slip through.

"My apologies," Jennie started, her voice shaking in discomfort, "I was not aware that you would be here." That simple statement shouldn't have hurt Lisa. She knew Jennie was avoiding her just as much as she was but... having those words fill her ears and repeat over and over again hurt deeply.

Lisa clenched her jaw and rolled her shoulders back,

"It is quite alright. I was just about to take my leave," Lisa spoke blandly as if she didn't care she was staring at the woman she longed for, dreamt for. No, she should not care. But she did. "I too wasn't aware you would have returned so early. I thought you had lunch with my brother."

Jennie looked down, wringing her fingers in front of her stomach,

"His job required him. But he will be joining us for dinner," her voice was quiet, but soft. "I was by the lake." Her eyes met Lisa's and Lisa realized she was holding her breath.

What was the look Jennie was sending her? Her eyes spoke as if she was telling Lisa she was waiting for her. But why? What was her purpose?

No matter, Lisa thought, she just desperately needed to leave and escape those eyes and sweet scent. Her heart was reaching but her mind was holding it back. The mind didn't want the heart to shatter.

"I see," she said in a small voice, "I apologize as well. I have failed to congratulate you on your courtship with my brother."

"Thank you. Although nothing significant has happened yet so I see no reason to congratulate me," she laughed lightly but Lisa could only smile tightly and think 'yet.'

"My mistake," Lisa said quietly, "Well then..." Lisa cleared her throat, "Enjoy your evening," Lisa said, bowing her head slightly to which was responded awkwardly by Jennie.

"You as well."

And so, Lisa walked past Jennie. However, as always, Lisa's hand drove on its own accord, as if her hand longed to feel Jennie's skin again. So, as she walked by, the back of Lisa's hand grazed Jennie's clenched fist and she fought to keep her eyes open because... it is unbelievable how one single touch can ignite something so wonderful, so beautiful.

Another small sound left Jennie's lips again and Lisa nearly turned and kissed her. But, of course, she didn't. She just continued to walk away. But, when she took a single glance Jennie's way, she hastily turned back forward and quickened her pace.

Jennie was staring right back.

Lisa was found later walking around the garden. Her steps were slow, far more slowly than she ever walked. Usually her head was held high and she looked around as if she had a purpose. However, with her heart hurting as it was, she could hardly smile at the blossoming flowers.

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