chapter 9: "grounded"

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"...The commission..." kaminari whispered.

It startled denki so much he shot up and woke up. He was in recovery girls office with his arm in a cast and wrappings around his head, chest, and his ankle. His head instantly gave him a sharp ass throb when he sat up and he fliched so bad he flopped back down.

He looked around as he groaned from the splitting headache. He ended up curling himself into a ball because of it.

"Aizawa...! Mic...!!!" Denki called out.

"They aren't here deary. Oh you poor dear... here, take this." Recovery girl handed him a pill. Denki took it and swollowed it dry before she could even reach the water for him.

"T-the soldiers...?" Denki asked.

Recovery girl shook her head. "They're gone deary. No need to worry. You should rest some more. You got hurt quite bad...

"you broke your arm and some ribs. You're lucky mr Aizawa was able to break down the door when he did. One of your ribs peirced your lung. Any later and it would have been to late to stop your lung from flooding with blood. But dont worry it's fixed now. I used what was left of your stamina to heal you. Luckily it was enough for that lung but i had to wait with he rest until you gained some more. So, rest so i can fix your other creaked ribs, sprained ankle, and broken arm please. I'll get you some more blankets."

Recovery girl walked off and denki let himself drift into sleep again. To tired physically and emotionally for anything else. He was still going through the reminisce of the panic attack he got from the fight. That really scared the shit out of him. He still felt like he had someone sitting on his heart and was slowly calming himself.

The dead silence of the room throughout the day helped him with that. Occasionally he'd hear passing footsteps from people passing in the hallway, Recovery girls footsteps to grab something, or her typing on the keyboard. It was peaceful and hypnotizing. Denkis mind went blank with the silence. Any time there was even the tiniest of noise he'd jump a bit, waking up. But overall it was peaceful.

Soon recovery girl back to him. It was about when school was about to end. Recovery girl healed everything else. Making him like he was before the fight. She was extra careful about the neck though.

"Hold very still deary. Your neck was burnt very bad and it broke through your skin." Recovery girl informed. She gave him a smooch and it was healed. Leaving denki a little exhausted.

"Was it true what he said? About me being able to decapitate myself because of the collar..?" Denki asked.

"I honestly dont know. But knowing the commission and the idiots in their office, and your wounds, it wouldn't surprise me. Just be careful deary."

"But sometimes i accidentally activate my quirk. It happens all the time throughout the years. If i get too excited or scared i accidentally zap people by accident... what if something like that happens and no ones around to turn it off?" Denki asked.

"just make sure theres a teacher or staff member around at all times. Every staff at ua has access to your collar. Including myself. Except for the janitors, they do not have a remote." Recovery girl stated.

"Ok..." denki said. He wasn't to comfortable with that plan but would have to manage.

"Sence you snuck out of your dorm multiple times, the commission has basically ground you." Recovery girl said changing the subject.


"Yes. You have 30 days of no quirk use at all. Even during the training sessions. And you are only to go to school and back to your dorm immediately, no being in the common room with the others. Sence Aizawa is as slow as a turtle, I'll escort you to your dorm now." Recovery girl got up and denki immediately followed suite into the hall.

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