chapter 19: "bad day"

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The next day, Monday, was nothing short of a literal migraine. Even to denki. Right from the start.

Denki was sound asleep. Tired from the midnight movie that lasted tell 2am. Eri was the only one that even watched it. Denki and toga were to busy cetching up and gossiping to even notice the movie ended at 3am and eri fell asleep. So, naturally, they all slept through their alarms.

Then one minute he was asleep, the next he was soaked with ice cold water. The zultch of the cold water made him jump blindly out of bed and he fell smack onto the hard wood flooring.

"Get dressed." Benjamin ordered.

"Benjamin!? What are you doing here!?" Denki asked as he recovered and stood.

"Get. Dressed." Benjamin ordered and left the room.

Confused, he finally noticed the time and quickly got dressed. He scratched his head hard and bolded out of the room. Putting on his jacket on the way. Disregarding his hair aswel.

When he stepped out, Benjamin made him stand on a white line that wasn't there last night. It went from the center of the dorm rooms hallway to the elevator. Completely dividing the floor in 2. Then he took out a metal detector and started scanning him for weapons.

Around that time, toga was dragged out by ben. She was wearing a UA uniform that looked like it was forced onto her. She kicked and screamed but eventually got tazed and then she cooperated. They scanned her two behind denki.

After they were metal detected, they were also padded down for weapons. Denki was uncomfortable because it never happened before to him and he didn't like how they even touched his privates.

"Whats going on?" Denki asked.

"Shut up!" Ben yelled.

"Don't talk to him like that! We have rights!" Toga snapped.

"Not when you're in this program." Benjamin stated.

Suddenly Benjamin grabbed denki by the back of the neck and slapped something onto his neck. Denki fell and choked. Toga lept forward and caught him, helping him stand. He touched his neck out of natural reaction when you choke and discovered it was a quirk concealing collar!

"Nezu said-!!"

"I out rank that rat." Benjamin interupted. "And things have changed."

Just then Benji came out with eri in hand. She wore an adorable grade school uniform that definitely wasn't UAs. She also had a quirk concealing collar on. She looked very uncomfortable and scared. As soon as she saw toga and denki she broke free qnd charged for them. Engulfing them in a tackle hug.

"Stand up straight all of you. We need to discuss the basic rules." Benjamin stated. They all stood up straight, knowing it was probably better to just cooperate. "Endeavor! They are ready for you!"

The pro hero Endeavor walked out of one of the vacant next to eris room. "Wheres the other one?" He asked.

"Eraser said we didn't need to worry about him and he would personally attend to that boy. Details later." Benjamin reported. Endeavor nodded and faced the three before him.

"Now, i will be incharge of you three from now on. I am now stationed at UA specifically and only because of you three. I will teach you myself in one period: hero training. Along with hawks and even all might from time to time. While you 2 teenagers will be joining UAs class 1A. But will be in separate classes during hero and combat training." Endeavor informed.

"What about me..?" Eri asked timidly. She hid behind denki and peaked around him to look at the giant of a man. Denki felt like hiding too.

Endeavor looked at her. "You, will be going to my daughter's class. Along with other kids your age. You will be monitored, but, most of the next following rules dont apply to you."

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