Chapter 11: "church"

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It was a strange morning to Denki. Very, very, strange...

Principal nezu woke him up and they ate pancakes for breakfast. It was AMAZING!!! Denki never had them before and now he wanted them everyday!!! They were SOOO GOOD!!!

After that, nezu made him get dressed in some weird clothes. He wore a buttoned up white shirt with a yellow tie and some blue jeans. It was rather plain in denkis opinion. He got to wear some sneakers nezu bought for him though! They were yellow, black, and white. Denki loved them! They were 1,000% his style.

After getting his hair under control again, they set off. They rode in a classic car of nezus and went to a weird place. Nezu said it was a church. Denki thought the colored windows were the most attractive part of the place.

The people who also came also wore bright plain outfits. All of them were smiling and appeared friendly enough... they all wanted to shake hands for some reason. They kept asking nezu who i was. What nezu said confused him a little.

"He's my godson, Denki." Said nezu to all of them.

What was a godson? What does that mean? It just kept getting weirder. Suddenly a man, who nezu whispered as the priest, started talking and everyone listened and sat down.

THEN IT WAA GOD AWFUL BORING!!!! He just kept going on and on and on with seemingly no end. It was MIND NUMBING!!!!

The kids around were the only thing that denki could actually pay attention too and remember more then a second. One kid infront of him turned and just stared at him. No reason at all he just stared. It was creepy. Then there was a kid who crawled under the bentch denki was sitting at and gave him an orange??? It was weird but denki laughed and thanked the 3 year old.

But what denki was most surprised about, was that Monoma was there! He didn't see denki, he didn't think, but denki saw him. He was with a man and a woman and also looked miserable. He looked like he hated just sitting and listening to the priest the same way as denki. Denki wondered if he could talk to him.

"Quite boring to you huh?" Nezu whispered.

"He's really boring Principal Nezu, I'm sorry. I just can't focus on what he's saying..." denki apologized in a whisper back.

Nezu chuckled. "That's quite alright. Especially sence you're not used to this sort of thing huh?"

"No... what's the point of this place anyway?" Denki asked. He heard the woman behind him scuffle and huff for some reason. Nezu ignored it.

"Well, some people believe in some things and other people don't. One of those things is where we came from." Nezu explained.

"What do you mean?" Denki asked.

"Well, some people like to think we came from a greater being. A god. A person who created everything. And i mean everything. Thats what the priest is doing up there. He's talking about that belief and it's history." Nezu explained.

"So, you believe that?" Denki asked.

"One some things. Not all. Religion is a very, very touchy subject, denki. Very touchy. It just depends on what tge specific person believes and what others don't." Nezu stated.

Denki nodded and thought about it for a moment.

"What do you mean by 'believe'? Isn't there science stuff to tell us where we originate from?" Denki asked.

"Yes. But people are stubborn and some just don't want to give up their beliefs. Which is absolutely alright. People will be people. What matters is what you, yourself, believe. And leave others be." Nezu said.

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