Chapter 17: "four villian kids"

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"I say just keep an eye on him. But based on everything you've told me i think it is likely he has ADHD. But it so far doesn't seem to affect daily life or school life so I'll hold off on the medication." Hound dog stated.

It was Saturday and another therapy session was due.

Some of the class mates went home and some stayed. Tokoyami, Kirishima, iida, sero, Uraraka, momo, mina, and Hagakure all went to bed and have yet to wake up. It was 3pm. Denki also slept in tell 2pm, only waking up because of Aizawa.

Izuku woke up early and disappeared somewhere. Denki didn't know where exactly.

"Noted. Denki. There's still somethings i need to clear up with you." Aizawa stated. Denki tilted his head.

"Like what?" Denki asked.

"For instance, your name. Whats your full name?" Aizawa asked. He had a open file in his lap and had a pen out ready to write. "We never actually got your full name."

"Well... my names denki- Kaminari." Again, Kaminari made a suddent appearance that made him jump. Neither men noticed as they were both writing and didn't notice the very slight voice change. Freaked out denki decided to ignore Kaminari. He wasn't watching but he was listening. It was creepy...

"Ok. Denki Kaminari. Do you have a middle name?" Aizawa asked.

"A middle...?" Denki asked tilting his head.

"I'll take that as a no. Hm..." Aizawa thought for a long moment. "How about Akari? Denki Akari Kaminari?"

Aizawa looked to hound dog.

"Lots of 'ar-IE's but ok." Hound dog gave a nod of approval. Aizawa wrote it down.

"Whats going on?" Denki asked. Suspecting something.

"remember when the press found out about you?" Aizawa asked. Denki nodded. Getting a bit nervous... nothing good came when that happened.

"Well... i dont want to scare you right now, but the press is trying to force the school into inviting you. Basically they all want to interview you but nothing good will come from that. We're fighting them off for now. Just try to lay low for a while, ok?" Aizawa instructed.

Denki nodded and looked down. Denki kinda resented all the avoidance and never any action about the bullying and everything. You would think they would teach the students to be more hero like to denki. To everybody labeled as a villian...

"I think that will be it for today. You can go Denki." Hound dog said. Denki nodded and left.

As he walked, the label that was put on him began to sink in. He thought about everything and compared himself to the others. How they were treated, how they were tusted, how the were looked at even.

Before people found out about him and that label the kids in the hall looked at him different. Before it was all just a friendly look. Now, nothing but loathe.

It was uncomfortable... denki just kept feeling pressure in his chest everytime someone looked at him like that. The more he thought about it the more pressure he felt.

He knew Kaminari could feel it too... Kaminari stured at it. It buged him... a lot...

Maybe mina can teach me some more dance moves. Dancing will help me re-"oof!!"

"DENKS!!!" eri yelled as she tackled into him and broke down into a complete meltdown.

"Eri!!" Midnight screached worried.

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