chapter 32: "Target"

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Denki and Suki were nervously awkward around each other as if the other was an ostrich for the rest of the day. Denki liked to help him continue the renovations, and they both used it as a distraction to break the ice. It worked fairly well and eased both of them.

Denki got to paint a wall much to his delight and made quite the mural with so much going on in it that it was hard to decipher. It became one of those merals you spent hours looking at and still not knowing what you were looking at.

As they worked, they took turns on what songs to blast over the power tools and making small conversion inbetween the silence. Denki admitted he didn't know many songs, so he just picked the genre of music instead. Suki had no problem with this and showed him many songs denki loved and made sure to look for when laying down for bed.

Overall, Denki didn't realize how alien he still felt until today. He felt like he finally had a normal day where someone wasn't giving him crap or looking over their shoulders at him. He didn't realize he felt that way until now and didn't know how to feel about that.

As he sat in the newly built bed that was a fold out couch in the slightly bigger room, he listened to music with his earpod headphones. The different songs took him to different thoughts and emotions. Some his own, some ailen. Like he felt them but also felt like they weren't his own emotions.

It was night-time now. They didn't keep track of the time and worked until 1am on impulse. They got some takeout and then headed to bed. Thats when suki introduced him to different types of food, and they made a deal to figure out how to make some. They ordered Raman from an awesome one of a kind restaurant down the street. They weren't open, but Suki knew the owners, and they agreed to make them some and were quite friendly.

"He looks just like you at that age, Suki! My, if only your mother could see him now!" Said the old lady. Apparently, she was his grandmothers best friend back in high school. The comment stuck with Denki ever since for two reasons: he thought he looked more like his mother because of the hair, and it was the first time someone said that to him ever. And he felt proud. Prideful to the point of tears but he didn't know why.

Overall, Denki felt a lot more welcomed here than with his mom. He wondered what she was doing and sent her a "love and miss you" text, which got left on read. He questioned Minas' suggestions on those types of texts as it didn't seem to be working.

Denki eventually got tired and fell asleep with his headphones still in with Spotify still playing. Suki came in later on that night to check on him and took them out, and put a blanket over him. Smiling at hope in the moonlight.

He prayed things would be better this time...

Denki returned to school back to his usual cherry self that monday. His mind was clearer as he actually forgot about what happened at his mothers place for a good while.

He sat down next to Shinso with a bight smile. "Hey, shinso!" He greeted.

"Shut up." Shinso half snapped. He sounded grumpy and tired. "You ready for the test?"

"There's a test!?" Denki yelled a little too loud, which caused the whole class to laugh.

"You idiot! Were you not paying attention on Friday!?" Bakugo asked while blasting Dekus desk by 'accident'.

Denki comicly groaned and quickly got out his pencil and calculator, to which Shinso raised an eyebrow.

"It's a history test." Shinso stated.

"Fuck." Denki cursed and put the calculator back in his bag. He pulled out his history note packet and realized more then half of it wasn't filled in. "Shinso can i copy your notes? I missed a few."

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