Chapter 29: "stay quiet"

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Denki struggled to get up off the ground. The glass shards cut his hands and stuck in his skin. His open wounded leg was no better. He tried to keep it off the ground but failed most if the time.

He dragged himself to the chair next to the shattered glass dinning table, his head throbbing like it had been stabed a million times with a long knife. He used the chair to pull himself upwards. This took a while as he kept falling and slipping on the glass shards.

He eventually made himself stand upwards but feared if he let go of the chair he'd fall immediately, so he held onto it for dear life. He tried slowly moving his wounded leg to the gound but as soon as it touched a shock of pain went through him.

The tears were still heavy as they scared his face and blurred his vision. His breath quivered from the emotional and physical pain. Like, that the fuck just happened!? Thats when he heard the T.V still going...

"—Thank you all for watching the live conference tonight! How you feeling Janette because that whole thing made me uneasy how about you?" Asked the man reporter with a name tag saying his name was Lee.

"I think this is a great opportunity for not only us but the world. Imagine children like the Villian kids having a better opportunity than the one they are currently in. A chance to be a hero even!" Said Janette hopefully.

"Or become trators of the commission and hero society— which speaking of!— next interview of UA and the commissions investigations of the moles causing all the trouble at UA will be next week, Friday. This is Lee and Janette on 97 news!"

The news switched to commercials and left Denki paralyzed. He didn't know what to make of it... did they mention him on the news? Maybe he could find some news reports later but right now he needed to take care of himself. Just as he thought that a splitting pain in his head made him stumble and crash to the gound holding his head in pain. The pain was so severe he gave up moving for a minute.

"Get up." Kaminari stated above him.

"Trying..." denki muttered.

"Well try HARDER."

Denki took his words to hart and tried to get up again. Luckily tina appeared and immediately ran to him speaking in English.

"OH MY GOD! come on, lets get you cleaned up..." tine stated.

She surved as a cane and practically carried denki back to his room. Leaving a blood trail she'll have to clean up later. She got him to his room and personal bathroom.

She started drassing and disinfecting his leg. It needed stitches so she used a sewing neddle and thred to sew is up.

"Why dont we just go to the hospital or something like that?" Denki asked. He was wincing at the neddle as she sewed.

"I think you have caused enough trouble Mr Kaminari. Going to the hospital will get Mr Arashi in trouble and will effect the children." Tina explained. "Those poor children.... they've been through to much already..."

Denki didn't say much after that. Tina showed him how to dress wounds and his leg until it was healed. Educating him on the importance of self care and basic medical stuff.

Denki thanked tina and tina left him to himself. Leaving him in his room.

Denki layed on his bed when suddenly Kaminari, jane, john, chad, and chad all jumped on him in their dark demonic looks, pinning him there. Making him panic as Kaminari whispered,

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