Chapter 35

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' I repeat a super massive monster is currently making a beeline directly north from Mt.Gunga in wakayama prefeture to jaku city in the greater kyoto region...' the radio guy kept on talkin as I listen from afar as the people look at the news in there phones

Wait aren't we in the north side of the city



"AAAAAHHH!!!" The civilians yelled as the monster that could be seen from miles away from me destroyed apartment buildings and office buildings as he trample everything in its way

My eyes drew in horror when I saw people were getting trample by monster

"Lluvia we need to evacuated these people!" One of Endeavor's sidekicks yelled as he held multiple people in his hand as the bus shuttle were driving away with the evacuees

"Right!" I yelled as I help put the nearest people in the bus shuttles and ran all over to get the people to safety




I'm failing

I'm to slow! If I don't hurry up we're all going to die! Think we need to get everyone away before he reaches us. But his nearing us to fast.

What can I do?!

"WHHHHAAAAA" I heard a screech as I look at the girl who fell to the grown as the mother ran to get her aid but in just a few blocks was the monster

My eyes winden


Before I knew it I ran towards them

And my body acted in its own

Everything went silent as I close my eyes

Am I death?

I open my eyes to witness what was infront of me

I had created one of my mother's biggest move

A move in which it can trap and protect

I quickly look down at the family and smile"get to safety please" I spoke as they nodded as they ran off with the other

But as soon as could feel any relief the wall started shaking

"Shit his trying to get through!" I curse as I look at the injure civilians and the ones who still haven't left
"Please run away!"

Bang bang

He kept banging the wall as more of the wall drip to ground

"I'm not strong enough on my own" I cried

I'm really gonna die here

I close my eyes as I felt my body go limp as my wall watered more to the ground

I failed

A image of the the half and half boy appeared as I closed my eyes.


Your the only regret I have

If only we met under different circumstances


Suddenly the ground shook as my vision came back as I witness water from the sewer and buildings come out and form into a gigantic ball and then form the wall that wall already falling. But much thicker and taller

A Quirk Marriage(Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now