Chapter 1{✔️}

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After that fateful encounter between Shoto Todoroki and me

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After that fateful encounter between Shoto Todoroki and me. My life change forever and it was no longer the life I knew.

What little childhood I had left was gone. At the age of five I was immediately sign up for all types of curriculars. Curriculars mom thought it was best to shape me into the woman that is considered to be the "perfect wife". Although I doubt it worked I was always the outcast and the crybaby and the one who had no friends. And mother would then "train me" in which was always the most dreaded part of my life. She wasn't the greatest mother before but now she is even worse than before. But enough of that now

It's been a few years since I saw Shoto, Ten to be exact. I often wonder if he still remembers me as I remember him, I still remember his beautiful heterochromatic eyes and his beautiful ruby color hair and also his snow-white hair. I remember his calm shy personality and cute smile. One thing I'm sure of is that I will see him again but when that day comes I will probably be walking down the aisle . In my white gown walking up to the altar meeting him up there and officially becoming his wife. That is my destiny, the only thing my mother had been molding me to be for years. This is the only way to make my mother proud.

The only thing I wish for was if there was a way I could have gotten to know him better before marriage. I could never even speak about how I feel about the arrangement with my mother because she is never around and when she is she would train me until I couldn't get up, would you even call it training. Having her attacking me and me dodging her attacks. And most times when she was training me I would lose focus and not listen to her teachings. Because of how tired I was or because of me zoning out while I cried on the floor. Honestly I feel like she enjoys torturing me. In the end of the day I don't I would ever be cut out to be a hero. It's not my dream to be honest.

Anyway the idea of marriage isn't something I hate. But my problem was that I don't love him. I wouldn't say I hate the idea of marrying Shoto but I just wish there was a way I could have gotten to know him better before marriage. To talk to him, become friends, and fall in love. Something natural and non forceful. But I guess that's just how our lives are. And nobody can change that. The only thing I can hope for is that he hasn't changed much from the last time I saw him. I hope he is still the kind hearted boy I met and enjoyed his company.

It is all I can hope for

It's now early September and I'm now going off to high school in the most prestigious school in my country and I will soon start training to be a hero. It's not something I wanted to do to be honest. If anything this is my mom's dream. For me to become just like her. In a way I guess I also wouldn't mind becoming a hero if it means making her proud. Which is also the same reason I don't oppose the idea of marriage either.

This particular day also seems to take quite a twist. I was in the music room having my afternoon piano lessons. This is one of my many extra curriculars my mother made me do. Many of my curriculars are not hobbies I'm fond of but who am I to oppose her. She claims it's good for me and if mother says they are then I shall do them.

A Quirk Marriage(Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now