Chapter 42

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Credit to artist

"Ha finally I'm here!" I exclaimed as I stood outside some large gates . "Wow it looks so much bigger than I expected" I said as I wonder around the gates trying to find a way in.

"Ah right he gave me his code! It's just here in my pocket" I exclaimed as I reach into my back pocket.


Oh no

Where is it?!

I search my pocket and then my purse

"Where is it!" I yelled as I thought long and hard of where I could have put it.

"Damn don't tell me I drop it in that fight earlier... well I guess who ever finds it is lucky person. They now have access to Katsuki's home. Well the gates code only they would have to find which home it belongs to though. Ha isn't he lucky I didn't drop his address paper too!" I laugh as a couple walking by stared confused and I just waved and they walk away

"Ok so I guess I'll just get in a different way" I said a I collected my stuff. And try figuring it out.

"Oh my god I'm such an idiot" I laugh as activated my quirk. "You have a quirk dummy use it"

I then use my quirk to get through the gates.

"Body water never fails to amaze me" I smiled before an alarm rang

"Oh what the fu-!"

"Your an idiot you know that right?" I heard a rough voice called out before I look up and smiled

"Katsuki!" I smiled as I went for a hug as he tried pulling me away

"Get of me!" He yelled as I hug him tighter

"Hey is that anyway to speak to your dear beloved friend" I sang as he just took it

"It's good to see you" he mutter as he slowly patted my head before pulling me away

He had a calm expression not angry or annoyed just calm which is something I was surprised when I started video chatting him but after all for one's fight he change. And just like Todoroki he grew taller and now that up close I can see the many scars he has. It's been so long it so good to finally see him in person-


"YOUR AND IDIOT!" He yelled as irks appear in his head


His calm expression turn into his most recognizable angry face as he continued

"I've been waiting here for hours! Lunch and dinner got cold and I've been waiting! Your luggage got here before you did! And then my driver comes home without you. Apparently you ran off the minute you landed! And then after hours you come home and break in like some delinquent when you could have just call me!" He finish as I 'oh' as I slowly remember I do indeed have a phone.

"Your lucky I saw you out my window crying as you pulled out you pockets. I was this close of sending out the dogs" he said as he just sigh. "Are you sure we're the same age, better yet are you sure you're a hero"

"Hey I have a reasonable explanation for everything!" I announced as his eyebrows rose

"Oh really?"

"Yes I do! But first!..... can we eat I'm starving"


"NO" he said as he slam the door in my face

"Hey! come on Katsuki is that anyway to treat your guest who flew hours from her country to come and see you" I spoke as the door open.

I smugly walk in as he had an annoyed face

A Quirk Marriage(Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now