Chapter 19

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The two Weasley men decided to give Eleanor a few days to cool off. With George's plan in mind, they didn't want to overwhelm her, heaven knows she needed some time to herself. With less than a week to go til Charlie's birthday, George was adamant he could have her speaking to him again by then so he could invite her to Charlie's party. He knew his grouchy older brother wouldn't be happy unless she was there , or at least around. 

George knew from experience that Eleanor didn't open her shop on Sundays. So, on Sunday morning, he grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, sitting down to write a letter that he sincerely hoped he'd receive a positive response to. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted Charlie and Ellie to work. He knew was probably getting ahead of himself, but he couldn't think of two people more deserving of each other's affections. Not to mention it would be wicked to have Ellie as a sister.

Eleanor was lounging on the sofa in her tiny flat on Sunday morning. She had the muggle radio on that her dad bought her when she moved in, and deciding she wasn't much feeling the classical music this morning, she flicked her wand at it and changed the station. A wonderful song that she didn't recognise started playing from the small speakers, its melodies and lyrics catching her attention immediately.

I don't mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay a while

And she will be loved

Eleanor thought it was a wonderful song. She listened intently until it finished, holding her cup of coffee firmly between her hands and allowing it to warm her through as she let her thoughts wander. What, she pondered, had Charlie come to see her for yesterday? In her delusional, romantic little mind, had she had the balls to speak to him, he would have told her it was all some huge mistake, he would profess his undying feelings for her and she would fall into his arms. As if, she thought. A man like Charlie, a specimen quite unlike she had ever encountered in her very sheltered life before, would be highly unlikely to behave in such a manner. He probably had all sorts of women falling at his feet; with his azure eyes that melted her very soul, his broad, warm arms that could have any woman falling to her knees, his face... Oh Merlin. She had it bad.

Shaking off her delusional thoughts of the beautiful fiery-haired man, Eleanor stood up and walked to the window in her flat, the only one that looked out over the corner of Diagon Alley that she inhabited. The sky was dull, lifeless, a great grey abyss hanging over her, almost taunting her. She could almost hear it mocking her, whispering how it was a reflection of her own mood. However, like a small beacon of hope in an otherwise hopeless situation, her attention was stolen by a faintly familiar owl, appearing outside of her window and gazing expectantly at her. She spotted a lavender-coloured envelope in its beak, its head tilted as though it was asking her what she was waiting for. She opened the window, received the envelope and offered the sweet owl a treat from the windowsill in return. It squawked its appreciation before it opened its great wings, soaring off. She shifted the envelope around in her hands for a moment, trying to remember where she'd seen the owl and the lavender colour before, before tearing it open carefully. When she was met with a faceful of orange and purple confetti, she immediately knew who had sent this. George. She shook her head and chuckled slightly before scanning the words.


I know you probably are Weasley'd out at the moment, but I'd really love it if you joined myself, Ginny and Angie for lunch today. These two have been bugging me relentlessly about when they can meet you again, so please, help a poor sod out!

If you fancy it, meet us in The Leaky Cauldron at 2pm. If not, we understand, but that doesn't mean I'll stop pestering you. 

- George.

Eleanor toyed with the idea for a minute. She was rather hungry, and she did get on well with the two girls when she met them... Her dad was always telling her she needed to branch out and enjoy being young. So, with that decided, she made her decision before jumping up to get herself ready before she could change her mind.

As she walked the length of Diagon Alley towards The Leaky Cauldron, the sun finally attempting to peek out from behind the thick, winter clouds, Eleanor couldn't help but let her mind wander again. What if this was just some kind of trick, she'd get there and either find that she'd been stood up again, or Charlie would be there waiting for her? As sad as it was, a life as quiet at Eleanor's usually led to her thinking the worst in most situations. She told herself that she didn't think George would do that to her, though. Sure, she sensed that deep inside him somewhere there was a rather sneaky, mischievous man, but she liked to think she knew him well enough that he wasn't cruel. Though she'd never admit it to herself, or anyone, she wouldn't be completely opposed to the idea of Charlie being there. She knew that made her a total sap, still pining after a man that stood her up, but she couldn't help it. For some reason, she was still inexplicably drawn to him despite barely knowing him. Not that she'd know what to say to him... She literally hid from him a few days ago, for crying out loud. 

Her worries were soon washed away when she spotted a head of bright red hair poking out from above the crowd outside of the pub. Recognising it as George's hair, she happily proceeded with a smile on her face. When she got closer, she saw that he was in fact accompanied by Angie and Ginny. George let out a little cheer of approval when he saw Eleanor approaching, catching the attention of the two girls. Ginny was the first to step forward excitedly.

"Ellie! So glad you decided to come," she grinned, pulling the unsuspecting girl into a large hug again. She should have expected it, honestly, since Ginny confessed they were a family of huggers the first time she met her.

"Ginny, hi!" Eleanor greeted, meeting her hug enthusiastically. "It's really nice to see you again. You too, Angie. How are you?".

Angie stepped forward to give Eleanor a hug of her own. They were all so, so friendly. It warmed Eleanor's heart. Her arms were strong, and she was much taller than Eleanor. It made her feel very safe, weirdly.

"Hey girl! We've been dying to meet you again. Shall we go and get some food?" she asked eagerly, tugging Eleanor gently by the arm towards the door.

"What am I, chopped liver!?" she heard George exclaim from somewhere behind her as she was ushered inside. 

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