15. Something about Under

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Mama moved quickly, quicker than possible in Ursa's eyes. She whipped around and clasped the halberd flying towards her before it could impale her. She caught it by its tail and the shaft sang as it vibrated violently in her hand. But Rita Silvertongue was stronger than it was. After all, she was still the Commander-in-charge.

"Put down your weapon, soldier, for this will not stop until you are disarmed or dead." Her eyes were determined. She would hold on to the halberd as long as she needed to, but she hoped the foolish Perin Under would do as he was told. She did not yet want to use her voice. That would mean taking away his free will, and Rita didn't want that to be the first thing she did upon her return to her homeland. Take away a man's right to choose if he wanted to follow her and her family. But I must use it if he won't listen to reason...

Perin shook under her gaze but did not disarm.

Klune Ord, the wiser of the two, rushed to his cousin and tried to knock the man's sword from his hand. "Do as missus suggests or you'll lose that foolish head of yours!"

Yet the man did not yield.

Rita sighed and closed her eyes. I tried. Lord knows I tried. "YOU WILL LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPON, SOLDIER." Her voice was clear, loud, and commanding. Perin Under stood no chance.

He snapped straight, his eyes glazed over, and he nodded, like a man under a spell. "Yes, my lady." He placed his sword right at Rita's feet, and there he waited with a bowed head.

"I'm sorry," Rita murmured, straightening the halberd in her hand till its head pointed at nothing but the dark skies. She sighed in relief once more, for it too calmed down, no longer trembling in her hands. "Rise. Please, rise," she said in her normal, warm voice.

Perin Under rose, bewildered, a flash of anger in his eyes. "You spelled me!"

"I'm sorry. You forced my hand." She handed the halberd to Ursa and wove an intricate sign before clapping her hands together. The sound reverberated through the ruin and with that echo, the weapon too disappeared.

Bewildered, Ursa stared at her mother. "What was that? How did you...? He..."

Rita faintly smiled. "I shall explain later all about what it means to be who you are. But now"—she turned to the men—"if you'll excuse us, we must get going. We've taken enough of your time. I apologise for disarming you like that, Mr Under, but it was for your own safety." She returned to their horses, adding, "I hope you understand."

"He understands," Klune Ord replied in his stead. "But my lady, I swore my allegiance to you once, and as a Chymer soldier, my word is my bond. I—we will join you without haste. These parts are not friendly these days."

"There's no need. We will be fine. We are only travelling a day or two before we reach my brother's land." Rita smiled meekly as she tucked Mawsie and Vanylla back under the blanket. "Besides, our menfolk will be here any moment now. They have gone to find us provisions. My husband and my sons."

"The king?" Klune Ord suddenly dropped to his knees, his head bowed. He even pulled his perplexed and violated cousin down with him. "I look to the day we shall be reunited with him, my lady. But we saw no other tracks leading out of Castlegrave. You're currently travelling with King Mother and children with no other soldier besides yourself. Please, I insist. Until the king and your sons can join you, allow Perin and I to be your escorts and guards. It will be our honour to serve you once more."

Rita Silvertongue wasn't entirely sure she wanted company. She could trust Klune, but could she trust the lizard-eyed cousin Perin who still looked as if his mind were full of terrible ideas?

"I say, more the merrier." Granny turned back to the cart and petted the closest mare. "Let them come. We could use the help."

"Very well." Rita walked back and picked up Perin's sword from the ground where it still lay—as was the custom when offered to a liege. The weapon shall lay unmoved until the sovereign returned it, blessed. Here, however, Rita did not return it. She was a mother travelling with her children. It was best not to return weapons to a jumpy old fool like Perin.

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