17. Dire Need

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Mr Ord and Rita Silvertongue spoke in unison as they met the family outside the inn. As one came downstairs and another from the stables, they spoke together. "He's gone!"

"Well, where would he go?" Granny asked with her hands on hips, looking from one to the other.

Mr Ord pulled at his collar, unable to meet their eyes.

"He left to inform the palace we have returned, I'd say. To tell them we've breached the term of 100-year exile," Rita said what Mr Ord could not, for she had that deep niggling feeling since they left Castlegrave that Mr Under wasn't wholeheartedly trustworthy. His sense of loyalty to his employer remained. She didn't blame him, but she felt sick to her stomach.

"I'm awfully sorry, my lady."

"No time for that, Mr Ord. Whether we like it, we can no longer go unnoticed. It also means we have no choice but to spread the word now. We'll need that army," she added.

"Aye, my lady." Mr Ord bowed his head.

"An army, Mama? What does that mean for us?" Ursa asked, worried.

"It means we leave tonight for your uncle's." Rita gave a hard smile. "Get an hour or two of sleep, since it would be unkind to leave our hosts in a lurch and you need rest. Meanwhile" — she turned to Mr Ord — "you and I, good sir, we shall make the arrangements."

"Mama? Where did the tall man go?" Mawsie tugged at Rita's hand. "Did he not like us?"

"No, sweet pea. No one could dislike you, my darling. But Mr Under couldn't stay with us even if he wanted to. He has a job to do." Rita dropped to his level and caressed his warm, ruddy face. "Now, go with Granny and Ursa and get some sleep. We have a long way to travel and you don't want to look too tired when you meet your uncle, do you?"

"No, Mama." He shook his head and kissed her goodnight.

"Look after your sisters, Mawsie! Make sure they are okay tonight."

"I will, Mama." He turned and waited obediently for Granny to move.

"Go ahead, Mawsie. I'll be right behind you," Granny added sweetly.

"Ok, Granny!" He grabbed Ursa's hand in one and Vanylla's in the other and tugged them both behind him. "Come on, sisters. You heard, Mama. We need rest."

"All right, we're coming!" Vanylla sighed. "But must you tug so hard, Mawsie? You're hurting my hand."

"Oh, sorry, Vin. My mistake," they heard Mawsie say as the children climbed the stairs. "How is that? Better?"

"Yes, much better."

Rita waited for the kids to be out of hearing before she turned to Granny. "I shall ride out with Nessie tonight, Mother. Mr Ord will escort you and the children to my brother, in Rohadi, in the morning."

"Must you leave tonight? Princess Nessa needs her rest."

"What Nessie needs is to be out of sight and out of reach until I can get her to the waters... let her heal."

Granny glanced briefly at Mr Ord before asking Rita, "You think she will heal?" Her voice filled with hope.

"I have to believe she will. I don't know how else to help that poor child." Rita bit her lip, holding back the tears. "I may not have given birth to her, but she is as much mine as any of my children. I have to try."

"Very well," said Granny then, squeezing Rita's hands. "Let me see our Nessie before you leave."

Rita nodded, turning to address Mr Ord. "Go eat your supper, sir. I'll find you soon."


Once in the room, Granny turned to Rita just inside the door, just beyond the children's hearing as they moved about getting ready for bed. She slipped an odd trinket in Rita's hand, whispering, "May the Goddess of weave be with you."

Rita eyed the ancient trinket that looked like any other coin, except it was black on one side and silver on the other. She knew what it was. "I can't take this."

"You will. My husband's mother gave it to me. Now, I give it to you. It shall protect you on your quest as it did mine. Should you wish not to be found, it shall aid you in your dire time. Keep it safe. Keep it close." With that, Granny pushed Rita's hand to her chest. "We are home, so at least here it will work. I will not say goodbye, dear. I will see you again soon."

"If I shan't return for any reason, my brother will keep you safe until Ovek and the boys can join you."

Granny gave a thin smile. "I will not say goodbye. You will return to me with your child. Give me your word, oh once-queen-of-Chymer. Give me your word."

Rita hesitated. Could she give her word, words that would bind her to fulfil the promise to return? What if she couldn't return? What if they were discovered and captured before she reached the waters she desired? "I can't give you my word, my lady. It is one I do not know if I can hold."

Granny grabbed Rita's arm and squeezed it hard. "Look at those children behind us."

Rita did. Oh, but how she wished she hadn't. All three faces looked up at her from their shared bed, Mawsie sandwiched between his sisters, and they smiled. "Goodnight, Mama. See you soon."

Her heart melted into a puddle in her chest. "Goodnight, my darlings. Sleep well," her voice wavered.

Granny tugged at her hand again, calling attention. "You will return for those faces, if not for me. Give me your word, woman, or I shall follow you to the waters instead."


"Give me your word, commander!" Granny demanded, as the King's mother.

"I give you my word," Rita gave in. "I shall return with Nessa."

"Good." Granny melted too and kissed Rita's forehead. "As the humans say, Godspeed!"

"Godspeed to you too, Mother."

And without losing more time, Rita whipped around, kissing the children's heads. She moved Nessa, labouring to breathe, into the adjacent room they had taken for Mr Ord and Mr Under.

As Rita Silvertongue hurried downstairs to advise Mr Ord on how to get to her brother's place, she left Granny to watch over Nessa and tuck her into one of the two small beds.


At midnight, Rita wove a smaller cart out of the small branch Mr Ord had procured for her from the nearby woods. With his help, she harnessed it to the one horse they'd fetched from the stable. Mr Ord even pinched some fresh hay meant for the horses into the cart, creating a nest for Nessa.

Mama then snuck into the room to kiss her sleeping children on their foreheads lightly, not wanting to wake them. She kissed Granny on the cheeks too, speaking no words of goodbye. She shook Mr Ord's hand, soldier to soldier, and bid him a safe journey. And in the darkness, with the inn in deep slumber, Rita carried her child away to the waiting cart. There, she prayed to the trinket hanging about her neck—please protect my family.

She tugged the reins, and soon, with Nessa hidden under the blanket as black as the night, they melted into the darkness.

She tugged the reins, and soon, with Nessa hidden under the blanket as black as the night, they melted into the darkness

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