28a. Council Rock

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Near midnight, when the moon beamed down her silver light almost on top of their heads, Amer pulled his family aside. There, at the far edge of the plateau, he asked of their father, "And what does it mean for us, Papa, if we must go it alone?"

"I will not be the cause for more loss." Ovek hung his head as Attin and Ursa gasped in their own family huddle.

"You can't, Papa," Ursa said.

"Not alone, you won't." Amer placed his hand upon their father's shoulder, yet Attin stood confused, as ever.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

Ursa was the one who dealt a softer blow than either Papa or Amer could have. "Papa means to go it alone."

"It is I, Rava wants. Me." Ovek meets his children's gazes. "I in exchange for your mother. I promise I will reunite you with her."

"Not alone, Papa." Attin urged.

"Aye, my dearest, bravest boy. If I can't stand to see another's son or daughter harmed because of me, how can I watch mine go through such a thing? Though you will promise me one thing"—he desperately pulled their hands together. "You will look after Mama when I'm gone. You will look after your siblings. Teach Nessa how to be one of us, help Vanylla find her weave, and nurture my sweetest boy, Mawsie. May his heart never grow bitter as you age."

"Papa!" they pleaded, but Ovek would have none of their protests and all of their obedience.

"I have given you more pain than I have joy. Please, let me do this for you, to ensure your future and that of the land. Chymer may never be ours again, but you are back where you belong, and you have your whole lives ahead of you. Give me your word, Amer. Give me your oath, Ursa. Attin, my travelling son, give me your promise. If we must go alone, you shall accompany me to the edge of your uncle's land, and no more."

Attin's heart leapt to his throat and tears to his eyes. He watched as Ursa swallowed lumps in her throat and Amer looked skywards, as if praying for strength to give the oath their father begged from them.

"I will, Father," Amer whispered.

"And I, Papa. I give you my oath." Ursa stifled a cry.

"Don't make me do this," Attin mumbled when Papa turned to him with a smile.

"You're a prince, Attin, and princes make hard decisions."

Yet Attin stood there, terrified. How can I make such a promise, Papa?

"My lords!" A soldier sprang to his feet and pointed at the dark horizon, at something moving closer to them to their east. "I see movement."

"Me too!" Another pointed to the west. But the biggest surprise came when a third pointed to the North. "And I. Something is moving on the horizon."

"From the North?" Uncle Rea turned curiously towards the mass of black to their north, gaining ground far quicker than their allies to their east or west.

"We're not ready, my lord." Commander General stood before them, hand on his double swords. Though they all knew where they stood, no swords could ever be drawn.

"Stay on your guards, soldiers, and protect the heirs!"

"What is happening?" Attin swiveled nervously around as Uncle Rea's toughest soldiers surrounded them in their midst.

Their father turned in the northerly direction, at the mass moving closer, from the dark horizon. "Rava's men." The words sent shivers down the boy's spine.

"They are early, my friend." Uncle Rea broke through the throng of soldiers.

Ovek turned to him again. "I know why you hesitate, but I need that promise, Attin. Do I have your word?"

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