16. Wayfarer's Inn

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A smattering of rain had pelted down on them as they arrived at the Wayfarer's Inn. Soaked to the bones almost, and with their jaws chattering, they trotted their tired horses to the small, yet sprawling cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"Go on in, my lady. Get the children warm. I shall stable the horses with Perin and join you before long." Klune Ord jumped off his horse and took the reins of the cart soon upon arriving.

"Are you sure, Mr Ord? It will be quicker work with more hands." She hesitated, not used to being served upon for several years.

"Aye, my lady. Besides, it is cold and the children are wet. We won't take long to follow you in."

"Very well." Mama ordered the young ones to jump off the cart, almost forgetting Nessa wasn't in any shape to get up herself.

"But what about—" Mawsie started saying as he jumped off the cart.

"Yes, I'll join you shortly," Rita quickly blurted, giving her son a warning look—don't talk, Mawsie! She turned back to Klune. "Actually. I'd like to do this myself. Could you help my mother take the children in, seeing how you know this inn? Perhaps ask them if we can procure some rooms for tonight."

Klune chuckled softly. "My lady forgets. It is my cousin who knows the inn. Perin will escort the King Mother and the children while I see to the horses with you."

"Yes, I suppose, Mr Under is our party leader tonight." Rita Silvertongue hesitated a moment, eyeing the man she did not yet trust. "If you will lead the way, sir? We'd be obliged."

Perin nodded, a thin, slippery smile on his face. "Your wish is my command, my liege." He bowed his head, handing the reins of his horse to his cousin before leading the four Chymer children and one elderly woman in. "They have the best rabbit stew on this side of the border."

"Did he say a rabbit, Vin?" Mawsie tugged at Vanylla's shirt. "Rabbit? Like our Mrs Tucan? Why would anyone eat Mrs Tucan?"

"Well, it's not her, silly. It's just another rabbit." Vanylla grabbed his wee hand and pulled him alongside Granny. "Just think of it as any other stew. Aren't you hungry? I am."

"I am too... but a rabbit?"

"I bet it tastes like chicken," Vanylla replied as they went in.


Rita took her time, fumbling like a newbie with the mares tied to the cart, so much so that by the time Mr Ord had finished tying four horses, two of theirs and two of Chymers', and fed them hay, she was still unbuckling the second mare.

"If my lady is tired, allow me?" Klune stood behind her, startling the poor thing.

"No, it's okay, Mr Ord. I'm fine. I can handle it. You go ahead. Get you some warm food and an even warmer bed."

Klune eyed Rita unbuckling and buckling the saddle. "If you don't mind my asking, is there something bothering you, my lady? Please, let me know so I can help ease your discomfort."

"It's nothi—" Rita began, yet the face on Klune told her he wasn't buying her ill attempt at deflecting. "If you must know, Mr Ord, there is something—something grave that I fear speaking of."

She stared at the small man before her, at his kind face and kind eyes. "How long has it been since we... left? How many years has it been?"

"I don't understand, my lady." Klune looked befuddled.

"I'm asking you, how long have we been gone, Mr Ord, from these lands?"

"Ah." Klune stared at the pile of hay beside the stable next to them. "Almost forty years, my lady. Forty long years."

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