33a. Silvertongue

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The bell tower atop the temple in the keep peeled sixteen times before it fell silent — an auspicious number in the Cerulean world — and along with it, the court and its yard fell silent too. It signalled peace.

Soldiers who had armed themselves thinking intruders had breached the Keep lay down their arms.

The sudden silence after the tumultuous roar and clashing of swords intrigued many.

Villagers, curious and keen, hiding in their homes, poked their heads out.

Soon, men and womenfolk heard the cries of those who were injured, having knowingly faced the likes of Ovek, Rea, and Ursa. Warriors who were not to be taken lightly. Even Prince Amer had been valiant in his effort, though he'd be a fool to compare himself with the trained hands of his uncle and father, or the fearsome instinct of his sister.

And as they saw a man who looked like the lost king, Ovek the Merciful, help injured soldiers to their feet. They grabbed their buckets and clean cloth, with their sewing needles, ready to put men back together again.

But none could truly sew back the frayed edges of the Silvertongue family. Not yet, for there was still more heartache that begged their attention, and as they say, the night had only just begun.


The tolling of the bells shook Ursa out of her stupor, and she ran to find Nessa in the hidden passage behind the cloakroom.

She burst through the door, crying, "Nessa. Rava took Mawsie, and Mama's gone after him... Can you look? See where they are going?"

"Why are you both bursting in here like mad chickens?" Nessa stared at Amer, who'd burst in only moments ago before she stared at Ursa. Attin tried to wriggle awake underneath the rag she held to his torso and she coaxed his head back on the pillow they'd fashioned out of old moth-eaten coats forgotten back there for years.

"Mawsie is gone," Amer said, eyeing Ursa.

Ursa nodded. "Rava took him, and Mama's gone after him."

"We need you to find them." Amer turned as if he'd known exactly why Ursa burst into the room after him.

Nessa wiped her hand on her dress. Attin's blood smeared her front. "I will, but first, Mama is right. Attin needs a doctor."

"We cannot stop the bleed," Vanylla added, tears having dried down her cheeks.

"Come, Vin. We shall set up an infirmary in the servant's hall. We'll take him there. He will be okay. You'll see." Amer moved swiftly, gently cradling Attin's limp body in his hand. Vanylla rose to her feet with him, holding the rag on the wound. He brushed past Ursa, whispering, "Go find Papa... I'll be a moment."

Ursa turned to Nessa, eyes hard and determined. "Go on. Find them."

As soon as Amer was away with Attin in his arms, Nessa closed her eyes and tried to concentrate but the chatter of those around her, their thoughts — even their distant breathing — made it near impossible for her to focus on the one energy she needed to home in on. At first, she tried to focus on Mama, but something was strange about Mama's energy. She couldn't home in on it. Then she tried Mawsie.

Baby brother, where are you?

Minutes ticked by, yet all she could see was a chasm of emptiness around her except for her own family and a few undeclared weavers floating amidst the soldiers.

"Do you see him yet?" Ursa's voice pierced her cloudy thoughts.

She shook her head. Or at least, she thought she did. "I see nothing of note..."

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