Dutch Republic's First Encounter with Japan [1600's]

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This passage contains the mentioning of the Dutch Republic who committed many atrocities to its colonies in the past. Though this story does not talk about it, this is just a fair warning to anyone who dislikes even the name of it. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip over this story. This is your last warning.


The salty spray of sea mist lay siege to my nostrils as I breathed in the foreign air of my destination, East Asia. Here I lay eyes upon the Silver-rycke [the Silver Empire] of the Tokugawa Shogunate [present day Japan], quite far from my homeland. With a singular vessel from Rotterdam chalked full of firearms, I, the Dutch Republic, have sailed across the vast oceans to ruin Portugal and the Spanish Empire's strongholds throughout the Americas and the Moluccas [the Spice Islands or Indonesian Islands in the Malay Archipelago] as I made my way here. Those foolish countries will not see that coming.

Or so I think they didn't see it coming. My not so very extensive calculations seem to reveal that four of my ships are somehow, in some way, lost. It could have been storms that blew them off track or perhaps what I can only suspect it to be the doing of those cursed Spaniards and the Portuguese, ugh.

I anchored my ships at the port of Sashifu. Exhausted and stressed, I waddled off the vessel collapsing into a tired heap on to the soft sands. I closed my eyes, breathing in and out. It seems my legs aren't used to land anymore. Of course walking will come back to me in a few moments, it's regular to be overcome with this feeling for sailors. That's the only thing I'm grateful my father, the Spanish Empire, has taught me. Before I declared independence in 1548 which roped me into this moronic war with him, I fondly remember the times where he educated me on the tips and tricks of seafaring. He informed me to not be startled by the strange feelings, a by-product of the journey, once landing. The Spaniard, being experienced and what not, trained me well. Thank you father, your own undoing of your vast empire begins with me. I'll do everything in my power to stop you from garnering influence in the Tokugawa Shogunate and Cathay [a historic name for China used by Europeans, in this context it refers to the Ming Dynasty].

"You don't need to obtain anymore of the vast riches that lay here anyways, idioot [idiot in Dutch]." I muttered under my breath.

I childishly giggled. I'll prove to those Europeans not to mess with me. I'll prove I'm capable of being the next emerging world power.

Snapping out of a daze, I opened my eyes. Standing above me was Lapam [the word for Japan in Portuguese at the time] who held a nervous yet curious and interested look. Gazing down at me, I hastily bounced up and wiped the debris off my trousers. I motioned for a Portuguese interpreter from the vessel to come forward. We unfortunately had to bring one since damned Portugal arrived here in 1543. It was the only way to communicate with the Asian.

"You are not the Nanban [Southern Barbarians which referred to the Spaniards and the Portuguese], are you?" Lapam questioned in an authoritative manner.

The Portuguese interpreter promptly responded,"No, he is the Dutch Republic. He is no threat to you and only wishes to trade for your riches."

I nodded my head in agreement and took my dirt laden hands out of the pockets of my trousers signifying I have no weaponry in hiding. Confirming I am not a threat, Lapam motions for me to follow behind him into the local village.

"He is the Ang mo [red-haired barbarians referring to the Dutch] other European powers have mentioned to you." The interpreter added.

The Tokugawa Shogunate paused in his tracks and turned towards me. He then turned his gaze towards my ship.

"He is the Ang mo you say?" as he peered deep into the eyes of the Portuguese man, "I see firearms, seize their belongings on the vessel and bring them to me!" Lapam hollered at the samurai standing guard a few kilometers away.

Suddenly pivoting towards me he specified, "I'm quite interested in the wares you hold, perhaps if I receive the trade cooperation I need, we can make this work, no?"

As his words were translated to me, I felt the giddy excitement of a schoolboy. Yes, this was it. This was the partnership I needed to one up that Spaniard and bring the spotlight on the glorious Dutch Navy.

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