Witch of a Step-Mom

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Adrien's p.o.v

"Well you screwed up. How much loner do you think Spots is going to be mad at you?" Plagg says flatly as he flies straight to his cheese as I go back to normal. And I do not think he is wrong. Ever since Animestro, where I said how I love the original Ladybug, Spots has been very silent. No longer making jokes with me, barely any trace of a smile, and she is calling me Cat noir more often now instead of the nicknames that she has come up with for me.

"I don't know. I never meant to make her mad." I state as I think of the last few battles that me and Spots have been in. She would not want to stick around as long as she usually did, would barley make any eye contact with me, and would not let me hold her hand or go anywhere within an arms length of her, it really hurts my heart.

"Kid, I don't think you made her mad. More like you....uh how do I put this......you made her concerned for you on levels that she can not seem to help you with so she is mad at herself that she can not change your mind." Plagg struggles to say the words as he looks to me with a bit of disappointment.

"Why is she concerned? I am completely fine." I ask confused why she would be concerned for me when I am not hurt at all.

"And that answer right there is why she is frustrated." Plagg says lowly as he flies back over to his little corner as I look to him confused. "Listen kid, I have to agree with Spots on this one. Your love for the original is unhealthy. I honestly believe you don't really like the original Ladybug, you like the idea of her."

"What? That is ridiculous Plagg-"

"Alright then humor me Adrien, say you met another girl, one who you want to be romantically involved with, would you want her to insult you?"

"Well, no."

"Would you want to be tossed around? Like the original does to you?"

"No, honestly when she does that I get some bruises."

"Finally, would you want to feel like you are trapped in a relationship with her and feel worthless all the time all because you want her approval?"

I could only be silent. I would never want that for anyone, I would never wish that upon my worst enemy. A romantic relationship is supposed to be something that is cherished and cared for, not something so toxic.

"You see Adrien, you put yourself in that type of relationship even though you aren't dating the original. Say one day she were to finally return those feelings, I gaurentee that what she does to you now would come back ten fold. And that never ends well." Plagg says lowly as he goes and sits on my bed.

"How do you know this stuff?" I ask wearily having a feeling that I would not like the answer.

"Kid, I have seen a lot of Cat noir's come and go over my lifetime, each one holds the holder of the ladybug miraculous in high regards, some even thought of them as their goddess, but the one thing they all had in common was that they forgot to take care of themselves while they only had their eyes set on her and did not notice the damage she was doing to them." Plagg says lowly as my eyes widen and my heart stops.

"W-were-is t-that what happens to all Ladybug's and Cat noirs?" I ask my voice shaking now realizing why Spots was so mad.

"All but one kid. All but one. Long story short, you are in a very similar situation as the best Cat noir I have known in my entire life. He had a great friend by his side who opened his eyes to what was really happening." Plagg says flatly as he flies over to the window rapidly and looks out over the city.

"What happened to him and the friend?" I ask wanting to know the fate of the best Cat noir he has ever met.

"He renounced me, and gave me back to Fu." Plagg says softly with a ghost of a smile on his face as I stare at him in shock.

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