Daddy Dearest

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"I swear things just get more weird everyday. First this Scorpia girl, then a body suddenly appears in nothing but bloody pieces that made the entire police force lose their lunch. What kind of akumatized person could possibly do that?" Colby asks me worriedly as we both walk to school a bit on edge from events. I could also feel my phone going off like crazy knowing that it was Adrien telling me to be safe.

But Colby did make a good point, what kind of victim does this? None of this have done it before, could there possibly be another miraculous user? If there is, why cause this much such a scene? Someone lost their life, there is no way someone with a conscious could have done this.

"The odds of it being an akumatized victim are low now considering the events with Scorpia. There could possibly be someone else and-" I did not get to finish as Colby pushed my head down as I grunted in discomfort as I tried to look up at him and see why he was doing it.

"Trust me. Keep your head down and we just need to walk to school. Let's go." Colby said sternly as he started to rush us towards school but in the distance I could hear someone calling my name trying to get my attention....but the voice I recognized it and I hated it. I kept walking with Colby to classes trying to come up with possible theories of who could have another miraculous and why they chose murder.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!" My daddy shouts as he catches up to the both of us right as we are fixing to enter school as he catches me by my arm. I turn to face him my face void of any emotion as I see complete worry on his face as he holds onto my arm like his life depends on it. "It-it is great to see you again pumpkin. H-how have you been?"

I felt my disappointment rise in me as I pried his hand off of my arm and Colby stood by my side ready to step in if needed as he glared at my daddy.

"Really? It took this kind of circumstance in Paris for you to finally contact me when we have gone years without it." I snip at him as my sass shows through and the fact that I do not want to spend anymore time around him.

"Well to be fair, you have not exactly reached out to me or Lindsey either. I-I just wanted to see my little girl." My daddy says with a sad look on his face that almost could guilt trip me, but I would never fall for that trick again.

"If you wanted to talk, you should have done it when I was still your little girl." I snap at him with one final glare as I leave him at the entrance of the school and head to class along with Colby who was now trying to stop me from shaking in anger by rubbing circles and holding me close. 

(F/n)'s p.o.v

I watch as my pumpkin walks into school with nothing but complete hatred for me as I feel the guilt in me rise immensely. She used to adore me when she was little, wanted to always help daddy, was a complete daddy's girl.

Walking away from her school I pull out my phone and look at a younger picture of her when me and her mom were still married a happy smile on her face. The picture was years was the last one of just me and her that I had.....every picture I had now she was smiling either with her friends, her now new boyfriend, or her mom or Jack.

No matter what...she was right I could have tried to reach out earlier and be in her life again and apologize...but that just did not happen. I was out of it whether I wanted it or not, however I do appreciate her mom she always updated me on what was going on in her life since she still had hopes of us having a possible relationship and sent pictures so that I knew that my daughter was happy. I would always be grateful that (Y/n)'s mom still hoped we could have a relationship, but I just do not think it is plausible at this point considering how much time I wasted thinking she would accept my new wife after the way she treated her.

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