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Hawkmoth's p.o.v

"Natalie, do you really believe that the other version of the original Ladybug would do that to Cat noir?" I ask unsurely. Most certainly I am meant to be the villain of Paris, but even I do not go that far to hurt my opponents physically and mentally.

"Regarding the abused Cat noir's actions towards the temporary Ladybug, I would say that it is a hundred percent accurate. No person acts like that if everything is fine and they are being taken care of properly. And based off of how he was acting as well, and from his description of Ladybug and what happened to his miraculous, I would say it is safe to assume that if you were to attack Paris in that version of our world, it would be rarely since the cat miraculous would no longer be available to you." Natalie states firmly but I can tell that she was just as worried as me form the events of yesterday of the other version of Cat noir.

"Something else was off about that entire situation though. Whenever he said he was brought out for only fighting, he almost seemed relieved, that he was not afraid of me." I state as I try to wrack my brain around what happened.

"That could possibly be because when a fight happens that is his only chance to get out. Not to mention sir, that you are probably not the monster he fears while instead it is the one who was supposed to be his partner. Since he is being abused by Ladybug he might even see you as his savior and that if you know a way to get his miraculous off he would willingly come to you or even not be that useful in a fight. Since he has been taken away from his family, I would not doubt that he has tried to find you on more than one occasion so he can try to find you so he is no longer stuck the way he is." Natalie tries to reason as I hum in agreement since that does not seem so far from the possible truth of what could have happened in that world. "Also sir, (Y/n) is coming over today to visit Adrien."

"How lovely. Perhaps I can get her opinion on more designs I have." I say softly as a small smile makes its way to my face.

"Now that I have told you the good news, here is the bad news. Felix and his mother have decided to drop in for a surprise visit today." Natalie states as I swear I hear a record scratching as a tic-mark forms on my head.

"Great. Just great." I grind through my teeth at the thought of them.


(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"Hey, security thing, I am here to visit golden boy!" I shout into the security thing outside of Adrien's mansion as I hold a bag on my back.

"(Y/n)!" Adrien shouts as I see him running out the front door as the gate opens for me as I run towards him as well and we tackle each other in a hug. "It is so good to see you! So are we planning on telling my father for the plan tonight?" He asks me excitedly as he breaks the hug and starts bouncing around in excitement.

"Later. First we need to raid your closet to see if you have the right clothes." I say in a hushed tone trying to keep our plans a secret for now incase Gabriel does not like the plans for later tonight.

"I am a fashion model, (Y/n). I am bound to have something that fits the description!" Adrien says excitedly as he drags me up the stairs into his house hurriedly not giving me a chance to say hi to any of the adults. All I can do is wave at them and give them a lopsided grin as Adrien drags me to his room as I hear all three of them snicker at our actions.

"Well someone is excited." I say in a sassy tone as we are finally in his room as he throws open his closet and starts to rummage through it.

"Of course I am excited! Why wouldn't I be?! I am getting to go to my riff off where you live! This is going to be amazing! Come on closet! Be in my favor and prove her wrong! I know I have clothes for this! Nino gave you to me!" Adrien shouts more to himself then me as I laugh at his actions and take a seat on his bed as a shirt hits me face on as he continues to throw clothes left and right looking for a decent outfit for tonight. "Aha! I got it! Give me a second! I will be back!" He shouts hurriedly as he rushes into his bathroom to get changed as I laugh at his actions. Not even a minute later he emerges wearing clothes that you do not normally see golden boy wearing. And I can not help but let a blush make its way to my face.

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