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Spots p.o.v

"Get back here!" I shout as both me and Cat noir chase the akumatized victim. I will give Hawkmoth credit, the power he gave this guy was definitely different. This akumatized person is able to basically bring another version of the person he is looking at to our world. And so far everyone he has brought so far is causing trouble, which means more work for us.

"No way am I giving up that easily! Huh, I wonder if I bring one of y'all here from another dimension could I get there miraculous instead? Let's see! Kitty you are up first!" He shouts as his vision lands on Cat noir as a glow emits from him.

"Alley cat!" I shout as I run over to him and catch him as he falls to his knees.

"I think that hurt more than it was supposed to." Kitty cat mumbles out as a figure starts to form in front of us.

"This is great! Come to me!" The akumatized villain shouts only to receive a punch to the face which immediately knocks him out. Once the light disappears, it is a messed up version of Cat noir, who had actual ears and a tail, sharp fangs and claws, who was covered in scratches and had shackles on him.

 Once the light disappears, it is a messed up version of Cat noir, who had actual ears and a tail, sharp fangs and claws, who was covered in scratches and had shackles on him

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"What is this?! Where am I?! Who brought me-" 

"Hey, HEY! It's okay! You are alright kitty cat! You are going to be just fine!" I shout as I place my kitty cat down softly and go over to the one who has more damage. As I start walking over to him I see him stiffen at the name kitty cat as he slowly turns towards me.

"K-kitty c-cat? O-only one person has ever called me that. N-no. It c-can't be you. Y-your not Ladybug anymore. S-sp-spots? Is that really you?" The savage Cat noir asks as he struggles to walk towards me before he falls to the ground with his scratches bleeding out as he looks up to me with tears in his eyes as he shakes in his shackles.

"Cat noi-" I was about to ask only to be cut off.

"NO! NEVER THAT NAME! I HATE THAT NAME! PLEASE DON'T CALL ME THAT! DON'T CALL ME WHAT SHE DOES! CALL ME THE NICKNAMES YOU GAVE ME! PLEASE! I MISS THEM! PLEASE SPOTS!" The savage kitty cat shouts at me taking me by surprise as  tears stream down his eyes as I now kneel down in front of him as my Cat noir was looking at this version of himself with wide eyes with a confused look and one of sadness and worry.

"Alright, alley cat. What happened to you? Why are you-well okay!" I shout as he tackles me to the ground in a hug. I could feel him sobbing into my neck  as his grip tightened around me not giving a second thought about the shackles he was still in.

"Please.....let me hold you.....I have missed you more than anything......I made a mistake....please don't leave me....I should never have wanted her back...." The savage cat whispers as the real Cat noir walks up to us as he looms over us.

"I think you need to let Spots go." Kitty cat says to the other version of himself and the savage one immediately stiffens.

"You. YOU! HOW DARE YOU NOT LISTEN TO PLAGG! YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN SPOTS!" The savage Cat noir shouts as he jumps off of me and goes to attack my alley cat as he jumps back confused and startled at the outburst.

I'm Your Temporary Ladybug! (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now