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Acamas - Mortal hero, son of Theseus and Phaedra, lover of Laodice, father of Munitus, Achaean hero of Trojan War

Acastus – Mortal king, son of Pelias and Anaxibia, husband of Astydameia, father of Sthenele and Laodamia. King of Iolcus and an Argonaut.

Acheilus - ​Mortal, son of Zeus and Lamia. Transformed into monstrous shark by Hera.

Achelous – Potamoi god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, father of the Sirens. Greek god of the River Achelous.

Acrisius - Mortal king, son of Abas and Aglaea, brother of Proetus, father of Danae. King of Argos.

Actaeon – Mortal hero, son of Aristaeus and Autonoe. Student of Chiron and Theban hero.

Actor (i) - Mortal prince, son of King Deion of Phocis, husband of Aegina, father of Menoetius.

Actor (ii) -  Mortal king, son of Myrmidon and Pisidice, father of Eurytion. King of Phthia.

Adicia – Minor goddess, possible daughter of Eris or Nyx. Greek goddess of Injustice.

Admetus – Mortal hero and king, son of Pheres, husband of Alcestis, father of Eumelus. Argonaut and Calydonian Hunter, king of Pherae.

Adonis - Mortal, son of Cinyras and Smyrna, lover of Aphrodite.

Adrastus - Mortal king, son of Talaus and Lysimache, husband of Amphithea, father of Aegialeus and Cyanippus amongst others. King of Argos.

Aeacus - Mortal hero, son of Zeus and Aegina. King of Aegina and father to Telamon and Peleus

Aeetes - King of Colchis, son of Helios and Perseis, father of Medea. Owner of the Golden Fleece.

Aegaeon - Early god, son of Pontus and Gaia. Ally of Titans during Titanomachy and Greek god of the storms of the Aegean.

Aegeus – Mortal king, son of Pandion and Pylia, brother of Pallas, Nisus and Lycus, father of Theseus by Aethra. King of Athens.

Aegina - Naiad nymph, daughter of Asopos and Metope, mother of Aeacus by Zeus and Menoetius by Actor.

Aegyptus - Mortal king, son of Belus, brother of Danaus. Father of 50 sons. King of Arabia and Egypt.

Aeolus (i) – Mortal king/Minor god, son of Hippotes, husband of Melanippe. Keeper of the Winds and King of Aeolia.

Aeolus (ii) - Mortal king, son of Hellen, husband of Enarete, father of many, King of Thessaly

Aerope – Mortal queen, daughter of Catreus, wife of Atreus, mother of Agamemnon and Menelaus. Queen of Mycenae.

Aesacus – Mortal prince and seer, son of King Priam and Arisbe, potential lover of Hesperia. Transformed into seabird by Tethys.

Aeson – Mortal king, son of Cretheus and Tyro, husband of Polymele (or Alcimede), father of Jason and Promachus. Possible King of Iolcus.

Aethalides - Mortal hero, son of Hermes and Eupolemia. Argonaut

Aether – Protogenoi god, son of Erebus and Nyx. Greek god of the pure Upper Air breathed by gods.
Atheiopean Cetus – Sea monster, offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. Terrorised Aethiopia in time of Cephalus, until the arrival of Perseus.

Aethra – Mortal princess, daughter of King Pittheus, lover of Aegeus, and mother of Theseus.

Agamemnon - Mortal king, leader of the Achaean forces at Troy, brother of Menelaus, husband of Clytemnestra, father of Iphigenia and Orestes. King of Mycenae.

Agelaus – Mortal, servant of King Priam, surrogate father of Paris.

Agenor - Mortal king, son of Epaphus and Memphis, brother of Belus, father of Europa and Cadmus. King of Phoenicia.

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