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Iapetus – Titan god, son of Ouranus and Gaia, husband of Clymene, and father to Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus and Epimetheus. Greek god of Mortality.

Iasion - Mortal son of Zeus and the Pleiad Electra, brother of Dardanus. Beloved of Demeter who bore by him Plutos, the Greek god of Wealth.

Icarius (i) - Mortal king, son of Perieres and Gorgophone possibly, father of Penelope amongst others, King of Acarnania

Icarius (ii) - Mortal, resident of Athens who welcomed Dionysus

Icarus - Son of Daedalus and Naucrate, who escaped from Crete with his father but later plunged to his death when he soared to high.

Ilus (i) - Mortal prince, son of Dardanus and Batea, brother of Erichthonus, heir to throne of Dardania, but predeceased his father.

Ilus (ii) - Mortal king, son of Tros and Callirhoe, brother of Assaracus and Ganymede, father of Laomedon, and founder of the city of Ilium.

​Inachus - Potamoi, son of Oceanus and Tethys. God of the River Inachus in the Argolis.

Io - Naiad nymph, daughter of Inachus and Argia. Lover of Zeus before being forced to wander the earth in the form of a heifer.

Iobates - Mortal king, father of Philonoe and Stheneboea, father-in-law of Bellerophon and Proetus. King of Lycia.

Iole - Mortal princess, daughter of King Eurytus. Princess of Oechalia. Concubine of Heracles.

Ion - Son of Apollo and Creusa, and ancestor of all Ionians.

Iphimedia - Mortal, daughter of Triopas and Hiscilla, wife of Aloeus, lover of Poseidon, mother of Otus, Ephilates and Pancratis

Iphitus - Mortal hero, son of Eurytus and Antioche. Prince of Oechalia and an Argonaut

Iris - Early goddess, daughter of Thaumas and Electra. Greek goddess of the Rainbow, and a messenger deity.

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