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Gaia -  Protogenoi, first born deity. Greek goddess personifying the Earth.

Galatea (i) - Nereid nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris. Lover of Acis, and pursued by Polyphemus.

Galatea (ii) - Name given to statue created by Pygmalion and brought to life by Aphrodite.

Galene - Nereid daughter of Nereus and Doris. Greek goddess of Calm Seas.

Ganymede - Trojan prince, son of Ilus. Abducted by Zeus to become his lover and the cup-bearer of the gods upon Mount Olympus.

Gelanor - Mortal king, son of Sthenelas. King of Argos.

Geras - Early god, son of Nyx. Greek god of Old Age.

Geryon - Gigantic son of Chrysaor and Callirhoe, and therefore grandson of Medusa, famously encountered by Heracles during his tenth labour.

Glaucus (i) - Sea-god born mortal but transformed by the consumption of a magical herb. Often guide to lost seafarers.

Glaucus (ii) - Prince of Crete born to King Minos and Pasiphae who drown in honey and was resurrected by Polyeidus.

Glaucus (iii) - mortal prince, son of Hippolochus, prince of Lycia and defender of Troy

Gorgo Aix - Monstrous goat, offspring of Helios. Ally of Titans during Titanomachy. Killed by Zeus.

Gorgons - three monstrous daughters of the sea deities Phrocys and Ceto, normally named as Medusa, Sthenno and Euryale.

Gorgophone - Mortal Queen, daughter of Perseus and Andromeda, wife of Perieres and Oebalus, mother of Tyndareus amongst others, Queen of Messenia and Sparta

Graces - Alternative name for the Charites, three daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, named Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia. Greek goddesses of Joy and Festivity.

Graeae - Group of goddesses, three daughters of the sea deities Phorcys and Ceto, named Enyo, Deino and Pemphredo. Personification of white sea foam.

Gyges -  Hecatonchire, gigantic son of Ouranos and Gaia, brother of Briareus and Cottus. Guardian of the gates of Tartarus.

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