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Cadmus - Greek hero, son of Agenor and Telephassa, brother of Europa, husband of Harmonia, father of Polydorus and Semele. Founder and king of Thebes (Cadmea).

Caeneus - Mortal hero, daughter of Elatus and Hippeia, lover of Poseidon, mother of Coronus, Phocus and Priasus. Transformed into a man, and a Lapith who fought during the Centauromachy.

Calais - Greek hero, son of Boreas and Oreithyia, one of the Boreads, brother to Zetes. Named as an Argonaut and pursuer of the Harpies.

Calchas - Mortal seer, son of Thestor, brother of Theoclymenus, Theonoe and Leucippe. Member of the Achaean force at Troy, and present within the Wooden Horse.

Calliope - Younger Muse, muse of epic poetry, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.

Callirhoe - Oceanid nymph, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, husband of Chrysaor, mother of Geryon. Nymph of Erytheia.

Calypso - Immortal nymph, daughter of Atlas, lover of Odysseus, mother of Nausithous and Nausinous. Resident of Ogygia.

Campe - Monstrous dragon, daughter of Tartarus and Gaia, Nymph of Tartarus

Capaneus - Mortal hero, son of Hipponous and Astynome, husband of Evadne, father of Sthenelus. One of the Seven Against Thebes.

​Cassandra - Mortal seer and princess, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecabe, brother to Hector, Helenus et al, concubine of Agamemnon.

Cassiopeia (i) - Mortal queen, wife of Cepheus, mother of Andromeda. Queen of Aethiopia.

Cassiopeia (ii) - Mortal queen, wife of Phoenix. Queen of Phoenicia.
Castor - Mortal hero, son of Tyndareus and Leda, brother of Pollux, Helen and Clytemnestra. Hero present on the Argo.

Cepheus (i) - Mortal king, son of Belus, husband of Cassiopeia, father of Andromeda. King of Aethipia.

Cepheus (ii) - Greek hero, son of Aleus and Neara, brother of Amphidamas, father of many. Argonaut, Calydonian Hunter, comrade of Heracles and King of Tegea.

Cercyon - Mortal king, son of Poseidon or Hephaestus, father of Alope. King of Eleusis.

Ceto - Early sea goddess, daughter of Gaia and Pontus, husband of Phorycs, mother of Echidna, the Gorgons and Graeae. Greek goddess of Sea Dangers.

Charis - Charites goddess, also known as Aglaia, daughter of Zeus and Eurynome, wife of Hephaestus. Greek goddess of Splendour.

Charites - Group of goddesses, three daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, named Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia. Greek goddesses of Joy and Festivity.

Charon - Minor deity, son of Nyx and Erebus. Ferryman of tCercyonhe Underworld across the Acheron and/or Styx.

Chimera - Monster, offspring of Echidna and Typhon, mother of Nemean Lion and the Sphinx. Opponent of Bellerophon.

Chione - Mortal princess, daughter of Daedalion, lover of Hermes and Apollo, mother of Autolycus and Philammon.

Chiron - Centaur, son of Cronus and Philyra. Eldest and wisest centaur, tutor of heroes.

Chloris - Mortal Queen, daughter of Amphion and Niobe, wife of Neleus, father of many, including Nestor. Queen of Pylos

Chronos - Protogenoi (occasionally named), son of Hydros and Gaia. Greek god of Time.

​Chrysaor - Giant, son of Poseidon and Medusa, brother of Pegasus, husband of Calirrhoe, father of Geryon. Owner of a golden sword.

Chryseis - Mortal woman, daughter of Chryses, concubine of Agamemnon

Chryses - Priest, son of Ardys, brother of Briseus, father of Chryseis

Chrysothemis - Hesperides nymph (occasionally named). Daughter of Nyx (occasionally Atlas). Greek goddess of the Evening and the Golden Light of Sunset, name means Golden Custom.

Cilician Thebe - City of Asia Minor, founded by Heracles, and ruled at one time by Eetion.

Cilla (i) - Mortal princess, daughter of Laomedon and Strymo, princess of Troy.

Cilla (ii) - Mortal princess, sister of Hecabe, wife of Thymoetes, mother of Munippus.

Circe - Daughter of Helios and Perse. Lover of Odysseus. Greek goddess of Sorcery.

Cinyras - Mortal king, son of Sandocusand Pharnace, husband of Metharme and Cenchreis, father of Myrrha amongst others. King of Cyprus.

Cithaeron - An Ourea and Protogenoi, son of Gaia. A Greek god of the mountain of same name.

​Clio - Younger Muse, muse of history, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.

Clymene (i) - Oceanid daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, wife of Iapetus, mother to Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus and Epimetheus. Greek goddess of Fame.

Clymene (ii) - Oceanid daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, lover of Helios, and mother to Phaethon and the Heliades.

Clymene (iii) - Mortal princess, daughter of Catreus, sister of Aerope, wife of Nauplius, mother of Palamedes, Nausimedon, Oeax and Proetus. ​

Clytemnestra - Mortal queen, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, sister of Helen, wife of Agamemnon, and mother of Orestes.

Comaetho - Mortal princess, daughter of Pterelaus, princess of Taphos
Coeus - Titan god, son of Ouranus and Gaia, and husband of Phoebe, father of Leto and Asteria. Greek god of Intellect.

Copreus - Mortal, son of Pelops and Hippodamia, father of Periphetes.
Cottus - Hecatonchire, gigantic son of Ouranos and Gaia, brother of Briareus and Gyges. Guardian of the gates of Tartarus.

Cratus - Son of Pallas and Styx. Greek god of Strength.

Cretheus - Mortal king, son of Aeolus and Enarete, husband of Tyro, father of Aeson, Amythaon and Pheres. King of Iolcus.

Creusa - Mortal princess, daughter of Priam and Hecabe, wife of Aeneas, mother of Acanius.

Crius - Titan god, son of Ouranus and Gaia, and husband of Eurybia, father of Astraeus, Pallas and Perses. Greek god of the constellations.
Crommyonian Sow - Monster, offspring of Echidna and Typhon, encountered by Theseus.

​Cronus - Titan god, son of Ouranus and Gaia, husband of Rhea, and father of the first Olympians. Second supreme ruler of the cosmos before being overthrown by Zeus.
Crotus - Satyr, son of Pan and Eupheme

Cyclops - Monsters, giants with single eye in forehead. Two distinct generations, sons of Ouranos and Gaia, or of Poseidon.

Cycnus (i) - Mortal hero, son of Poseidon, defender of Troy

Cycnus (ii) - Mortal king, son of Sthenelus, King of Liguria.

Cymopoleia - Minor Sea Goddess, daughter of Poseidon and Ampitrite, wife of Briareus. Greek goddess of Storm Waves.

Cyparissus - Mortal, lover of Apollo
Cyrene - Mortal princess, daughter of Hypseus, lover of Apollo, mother of Aristaeus.

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