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Salmoneus  - Mortal king, son of Aeolus and Enrate, brother of Sisyphus and Athamas et al, husband of Alcidice, father of Tyro. King of Salmonia. 

Sarpedon (i) - Mortal, son of Zeus and Europa, brother of Minos and Rhadamanthys. King of Lycia, father of Evander and Antiphates.

Sarpedon (ii) - Mortal, son of Zeus and Deidamia, grandson of Sarpedon. King of Lycia, killed in defence of Troy.

Scamander – Potamoi god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, husband of Idaia, father of Teucer. God of the River Scamander, Trojan ally during Trojan War.

Sciron (i)- Mortal prince, son of Pylas. Prince of Megara.

Sciron (ii) - Mortal, potential son of Poseidon, robber encountered  by Thesus

Scylla (i) – Sea monster, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. Terrorised the Strait of Messina alongside Charybdis.

Scylla (ii) - Mortal princess, daughter of Nisus and Habrote. Princess of Megara.

Selene - Second generation Titan, daughter of Hyperion and Theia. Greek goddess of the Moon.

Sinis - Mortal, son of Polypemon and Sylea, or Poseidon, bandit of the Saronic Gulf

Sinon - Mortal hero, son of Aesimus, hero of the Trojan War

Sirens – Transformed Naiad nymphs, daughters of Achelous. Located upon the Island of the Sirens and encountered by the Argonauts and Odysseus.

Sisyphus  - Mortal king, son of Aeolus and Enrate, brother of Salmoneus and Athamas et al, husband of Tyro, father of Almus, Glaucus, Oryntion and Thersander. King of Ephyra.

Sparta - Mortal Queen, daughter of Eurotas, wife of Lacedaemon, mother of Amyclas and Eurydice. Queen of Laconia.

Sphinx – Monstrous beast, offspring of Orthrus and the Chimera. Terrorised Thebes until arrival of Oedipus.

Steropes – First generation Cyclops, son of Ouranos and Gaia, brother to Agres and Brontes.

Stilbon - Astra Planeta god, son of Astraeus and Eos. Greek god of the planet Mercury.

Stheneboea  - Mortal queen, daughter of Iobates, wife of Proetus. Queen of Tiryns.

Sthenelus - Mortal king, son of Perseus and Andromeda, husband of Nicippe, father of Eurystheus. King of Mycenae and Tiryns.

Sthenno - Gorgon, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, sister of Euryale and Medusa. Personification of deadly submerged rocks.

Strophius - Mortal king, son of Crisus and Antiphateia, husband of Anaxiba, father of Pylades and Astydameia, King of Phocis

Stymphalian Birds - Deadly birds, pets of Ares, encountered by both Heracles and the Argonauts.

Syceus - Gigante, son of Gaia
Syrinx – Naiad nymph, daughter of the Potamoi Ladon, loved by Pan

Styx – Oceanid, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, lover of Pallas, mother to Zelos, Nike, Bia and Cratus. Greek goddess of Hatred.

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