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In Winterfell the Queen and Cersei talked more while Benjen and Robert talk about an offer. That offer is that his oldest daughter marries his oldest son. In Benjen's mind was a no, he does not want to leave the north and to be in King's Landing but he said nothing to Robert. Benjen would talk with Cersei about that and see what she thinks. 

The rest of the day going into night Robert drunk his full of the wine and beer in the main hall. And the Queen was giving him a glare that can cut you down six feet down. Where Prince Stefan and Lady Alys were getting on well. All were enjoying the time in the north, away from the court life. 

The King and the Queen stayed in the north for more days before they would leave and go back to King's Landing.  Benjen talked with Cersei about the offer the king made with him about their daughter marrying Stefan. That got Cersei's wheel's turning in her head on what her future could be if the take the offer. Both of them agreed to the offer what Robert made and they were going to King's Landing. 


When the royal court was packing up Benjen was coming along with the king and queen. Cersei was with her two daughters in her own carriage following behind the Queen 's carriage. Mellara Stark was more than happy to see other places around instead of Winterfell. Alys will become the next Queen, she was more than ready. She learned everything from her mother. Benjen left his oldest son Brandon incharge of Winterfell, a Stark must remain in the north and in Winterfell. Even Domeric Stark, the youngest child of Benjen and Cersei came as well. 

It will be a long journey to King's Landing but all made it, Benjen got off his horse and he saw the King wearing fresh marks on his face then his eyes connected to his sister Lyanna, she gave a smile before walking away. Benjen laughed at that, his small sister beat  her husband for drinking and losing a little control when he was in Winterfell. Benjen went to his wife to help her from the carriage. They were helped inside the red keep to their rooms, this was a huge change for Benjen and he was not liking it one bit but he is doing this for his wife and daughters. 


Since Benjen Stark is giving his daughter to the prince and heir Robert gave him a seat on the small council. Meeting the other members of the council and that Benjen can see through half of them. Specially Littlefinger, he felt that Littlefinger was playing when he talked. Something that Benjen learned from Cersei when she came to Winterfell in that start of their marriage. The small council ended and it was time for dinner. Benjen went to the rooms that were giving to him and his family. Enjoying his dinner with his family before things get worse than anyone could ever think. 

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