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Stefan -

There has been nothing! What are they waiting for? I am tired of this, waiting for something that might happen.

I need reports on the Targaryen in the north. There has to be something.

" There is your grace. The targaryen bought his army to the north and won the north from the Bolton's. Giving it to the last and only son of Benjen Stark. Domeric Stark is now the lord of Winterfell some say."

That does not concern me. It is the Targaryen that concerns me. He has more men than we do. He will make his move towards king's landing just matter when he does.

Other than that any word of Littlefinger?

" Yes. It has been reported that Littlefinger has been killed by his own mistakes."

Good. At least something good is coming out of this.


I dismissed my advisors and went to the red keep where I saw my children with there mother playing. It warmed my heart seeing them like this. Hating about what could happen when the targaryen comes.

Month later

I can see thousands of ships in the water very more men surrounding the gates of King's landing. This was it. A battle will happen. I go to get ready, grabbing my sword. Days prior I was told that the targaryen was coming so I sent my wife and my sons away. Opening the gates to stand with my men and brothers to defend king's landing and my right to it. So that my sons will have a legacy when I am gone. Looking upon the field I can see the Targaryen with his army. He moves towards without his army, he wants to talk?

I do the same.

Getting close to him I was able to get a sense of his character.

" King Stefan."

"Yes. I won't pretend why you came here. I know you want what it is yours, least you think."

" I did not come here for a battle".

" No. Then why is your army here?"

" Believe me when said I did not want a battle to happen. I want to speak with you in private, to give you the chance to step down. When you do I will call Prince of Storm's end. Because I can see that you are a sensible man."

" Hmm. Great offer. But I must declined it. What will people say when I do step down? It will be nothing good. Not just for myself but for my children that will get the throne when they become of age."

" My advisors said that you would chose this path. I respect it."

" Then it is settled. Leave and do not return".

" I am afraid I can not."


Aegon rose his hand a bit which was a signal. That signal made arrows come out of the sky. Hitting the Baratheon army, the princes and the king in one go. Half were gone in a sheer moment.

Aegon was hoping that Stefan would chosen right but Aegon had to prepare for a different outcome.

Aegon and his army entered king's landing killing anyone that tired to fight them. Where again king's landing was sacked.

Aegon Targaryen was crown King in the throne room just hours after the sack of king's landing. In the reach where Queen Margaery and her children were hiding got the news of King Stefan's death. They had no time to mourn because Highgarden was over run by Targaryen followers. These followers killed Margaery and her children, destroying the Tyrell house in one day.

Aegon helped with the bodies, specially to the former king and his brothers. Aegon had them buried in the spet of balor out of honor. And Aegon helped to clean up the city of king's landing. After a few days King's landing was good again, there is this peace in the air. Aegon was able to get what is rightfully his, with all of the Baratheon gone a lord took over storm's end. It was a bit of a shock to Aegon when he was told that the Baratheon girls were also dead. They attempted to revenge their brothers but failed from the start.

Other than Aegon was building his advisors, members of his court that he wants. He looked at Tyrion Lannister, the lannister. As he is master of coin Aegon saw a better choice for Tyrion. Aegon made Tyrion Lannister his hand.

Where he made Ser Davos Seaworth the master of ships. To Samwell Tarly that came from the wall of castle black studying to maester. Between him and Aegon they stroke up a growing friendship. To the woman who fought on his side to the battle for King's landing and in the north. Brienne of Tarth became apart of the king's guard to Aegon Targaryen.

And as one the first act as the new king Aegon Targaryen broke off the north, making the north a independent kingdom as it once was. The second act he did was making Dragonstone a kingdom as well, sort of. He could tell from Mellara that she is love with Varion and the same for Varion, henceforth making the title of Prince of Dragonstone.

That Dragonstone would run by the prince and or the princess, that no king nor queen could touch. 

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