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The former night king -

I can hear whispering around me but I can not open my eyes. And that I feel cold, I never get cold. What is going on?

Finally I was able to open my eyes I see trees surrounding me I can see a few things that are clear but not fully. I bring my hand up to scratch my face because something that bother me. But when I bought my hand up I see that my hand is different than before.

I look around to see where I could be then I saw them. The children of forest, anger fulling me again as before when I first met them. I go over to kill them and I was able to get one of them in my hands I can the others begging me to stop. I was not going to stop no matter what.

I wanted to see their faces as I kill another one of them but my eyes looked down to a woman. I dropped the child of the forest to look more at the woman. Getting flashes in my mind on what happened. She was the one I was fighting that we entered the cold water when she broke the ice.

What is happening?

Former night king

I am human? How? Why? I look to the children of the forest for answer which they provided for me

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I am human? How? Why? I look to the children of the forest for answer which they provided for me. But something in me was telling me to stay with this woman, whomever she could be.

I later took the woman with me after the children fixed her the best they could. Carrying her over my shoulders I see a wall made out of ice, this was to keep me in. Memories of my past were coming back to me and I did not like it. But nothing to do about it. I push on finding a tunnel within the ice. I was able to get out without being noticed by anyone. Seeing things now is by far strange.

We came to a stop away from the ice wall. I placed the woman down carefully checking her wounds that I caused. Feeling regret what I did to her. Trying to stay warm myself and for her. In the near distance I see a building, maybe a castle. I want for a few minutes before moving again. I pick her up again placing on my shoulder walking to the building. Upon arrival I see banners on the walls of the castle, house Norrey.

I have not heard of that name before.

" Are you lost sir?"

" Kind of. Can you tell me where exactly I am at."

" Your in North. House Norrey."

" Yeah. I pretty much figure that I was still the north."

" Well umm, do you or your friend want any food".

I snap my head towards the person, I am beyond hungry.

" I would."

" Follow me."

I follow the person into the main part of the building getting welcomed by warmth from the fire. I set her down on the table and the person I met brought me some food. I wasted no time digging into the food.

But for the person did not leave. I look up to see the person was looking at the woman.

" you must leave. She is not safe here in the north. Specially if the Bolton's find her."

" Bolton's? What are you talking about."

" She is a Stark. A daughter of Lord Benjen Stark. She will not be safe here until the Bolton's are dead. I will pack some more food for the both of you but when I do both of you must leave before anyone notices."

I listen to the boy. She's a Stark. That is a name I know. The boy comes back with some food and an horse. I pick up the stark girl making sure that she does not fall off when riding.

I take off on the directions the boy gave me. So much has changed since my time, I am not ever sure what year it is.

I rode for days to get out of the north ending up in the so called riverlands. I hooked a different route than the boy told me, this place had buildings touching the sky... I get off the horse to set up camp. I was starting a fire when I heard the girl woke up.

" shit! My leg!"

" Hmm."

" who the hell are you?"

" That's funny. Since you are the one who fixed me."

Watching her face in confusion was sightly funny.

" No way. It actually worked!?"

" yes. It did. Now shut up and eat. You have been out for a while."

" Well."

There was a pause between us until she spoke again. I knew she would not shut up.

" do you remember who you are?"

I sighed. " I do".

" Are you a Stark?"

" No. I am not a stark."

" are you one of the northern families from past?"

" No." I look at her in the eyes

" My name is Varion Targaryen".

" That is it even more confusing that I was thinking."

" Me as well. Things are different than before when I saw things. Just out of curiosity that wall of ice, when was is built?"

" 8,000 years ago if I am right."

" But the children of the forest created the- well you 10,000 ago. So you must have come here before the doom of Valyria. That would make sense."

" The doom?"

" You have a lot to catch up on."

" I have no doubt."

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